New York Trip: I'm A Virgin for the Virgin

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"Huaaaaaahhh..." Alex yawned as Henry returned from his scavenger hunt: eggs royale for Alex and eggs florentine for him, as well as dishes for both: shakshuka and fruit salad.

"Rough night?" Henry asked.

"How can't it be when I'm only sleep for four hours? I usually need eight," Alex grumbled as he picked a melon from his fruit salad bowl. "I can't believe that you can still looking bright and aware."

"Even before marrying you, love, I worked very hard building the company into what it is now. So, I sometimes sleep only few hours."

"And then the next day, I'm ended up being a widow," Alex sarcastically replied, while dipping the sourdough into the shakshuka.

"Still can't believe you can still eat something, right after you ate that huge plate of Indomie Goreng," Henry commented.

"What can I say?" Alex retorted. "You overpowered me. I was almost finishing it."

Let's just say that Alex was defeated from the mini battle of the Indomie Goreng back in Garuda's First Class cabin.

Unlike their coitus activity, which took hours and hours due to being always steaming hot and heavy thanks to foreplay and stuff, Henry took the plate of noodles from Alex's hands in less than ten seconds and putting the contents into his cheeks in less than five.

"Well, you can't escape my nose," Henry grinned. "And by the way, your way of cooking those instant noodles are much better than what I ate, at least its passable in my book."

Alex blushed. "Awww, thanks."

He then took bite of his piece of shakshuka-laced sourdough.

"Mmmm..." Alex hums as he tasted the spices: paprika, cumin, chili powder, followed by the juices from the tomatoes. "This is good, at least for me."

"Agreed," Henry nodded as he take his own bite. "Your version is much better, though. I still remember your Indian-spiced shakshuka. It was really delicious."

"Well, I worked with what we have in the fridge..." Alex replied bashfully.

He looked around the Clubhouse lounge, technically where they are today. As a passenger of Virgin Atlantic's Upper Class, they were eligible to access the exclusive lounge.

"And I gotta say," Henry said as he sliced the egg on his eggs florentine. The egg yolk is perfectly runny. "For a luxury lounge like this, this reminds me of W Hotel somewhere."

"Too bad the wellness center isn't opened," Alex sighed. "I could use some back cracking and face ripping."

Henry cackled at the sentence. "You mean facial exfoliation, babe? I believe you do need it more than I do."

Alex raised his left eyebrow. "You do need it too."

Henry gasped. "I do not!"

"Hello? SK-II already do wonders on your face, I don't want to lose the momentum," Alex retorted. "Your wrinkles around the eyes are less noticeable than it was months ago. Your cheeks are more bouncy and elastic, those smiling lines are starting to dissipate. All thanks to my SK-II treatment."

Henry look like he was lost in his thoughts before replying seconds later: "You're right. Maybe I do need some skin treatment."

"I'll pat your face with SK-II before bed like usual. Alright?"

Henry kissed his husband's forehead before replying, "Alright."

Alex said as he sips his tea, "Also, you're right. My worries about our luggage will be lost are baseless."

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