Chapter 2: Someone New

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"Hey! Watch watch where you are going!" I yelled at some maniac 9th grader, that plowed into me, knocking down four textbooks I was balancing carefully in my arms.
"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" A tall boy with dark brown hair and light eyes
asked. His concerned eyes surveyed the damaged.
"Do I look ok?" I growled. I'll admit, I wasn't in the best mood, and being a human bowling pin was rather embarrassing.
He stuck his hand out. "Sorry I just transferred here from's been a pretty hectic day." He then smiled like he knew something I didn't.
I eyes his hand for a second, then I took it so he could pull me up.
Something about him just begged me to trust him.
I sighed giving into the begging."it's fine. I'm Jaya, by the way. Sorry about my earlier attitude and grumpiness... I've just had a..."
"Rough morning." He finished sympathetically. "I know what those feel like. I'm Alejandro, but everyone calls me Al."
"Nice to meet you Al. So who is your first period?"
"Science with Ms. Henderson."
I made a face.
"Is she that bad?!"
"Yep, she is horrible, terrible, whatever negative word you can think of. She loves preaching how the end of civilization is near, and how we are going to turn back into apes! Luckily I'm in that class, too, so we can "enjoy" it together. And by enjoy I mean suffer and die slowly."
"Yay! That makes me so happy! My first day and I already have the worst teacher ever. My only consolation is that you'll be forced to suffer alongside me," Al teased.
"Shut up," I said while laughing. "Come on before the bell Henderson will feed me to the crows of I'm late, which is saying two months of detention. She might be easier on you but I've been late too often."
"Seriously?! That's a bit cruel don't you think? Two months." he whistled.
"Yep but that's Ms. Henderson for yah. Come on, we better get a move on while we still have legs."
Al cracked a smile as we walked down the hallway.

A note from me:
Hey guys how do you like it? Sorry the chapters are kind of short! I will be updating soon! Hope you enjoy:)

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