Chapter Fourteen: No

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"NO NO NO" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my knees crumpling beneath me.

"Eska?" I whispered. Tears rolled down my face as I saw Eska lying there. I heard her killer laughing maniacally behind me.

I stood up and turned around quickly. "You!" I shouted, "This is all of your fault! How could you?!" I was losing my mind, I felt the powers of my gift surging through my fingertips. Before I knew what happened, the entire beach was covered in ice. The remainder of the fighting Aari were slipping on the ice and the leader himself slipped and fell.

For once I could see fear in his eyes. he knew I had more power than him, and he knew he wasn't going to make it.

"You killed her."

"I'm sorry?" He said, knowing he wasn't sorry at all.

"NO YOUR NOT!" I said as I froze his arm, causing him to drop his sword. I ran and picked it up, pointing it at him.

"Now it's your turn." I said bitterly.

He tried to run, but I froze his feet to the ground.

Then someone came and snatched the sword from me. It was the Fairy Queen.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed at her.

"You know you don't want to hurt him, your acting out of anger. Let me take care of him, I'll lock him up, don't worry."

"Fine." I said, still angry that the fairy had taken away my weapon.

The Fairy Queen shot into the air and yelled "We have captured your leader! Surrender now, Aari, or your fate will be the same as his!"

The fighting slowly stopped, and I ran to Eska. She was still lying in the same spot. Al was leaning over her, his hands covering his eyes.

"It's my fault. It's my fault she's dead. I could've stopped him, but I didn't want to hurt my own father." He sobbed.

"It's not your fault." I said plainly, staring at my sister.

Then something strange happened. A silvery blue mist started rising up from Eska and slowly drifted to me. Then it rushed into my body and I fell onto the ground.

"What's happening?" I shouted.

"Eska is giving you her gift!" Al explained.

I felt so much power. I had two gifts and the power I now possessed scared me. It was strong, I could feel it.

I look back and all of the Aari had seemed to disappear, the only warriors left were a few fairies.

"We need to get to Stonewall," Al said, "I'll get someone to get, um, Eska."

"Ok." I said kneeling down to Eska, saying goodbye to my sister for the last time.

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