Chapter Eight: The Seer

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Tears were streaming down my face as we walked farther into the forest. I kept looking back thinking that Eska would come running towards us at any second. But she didn't.

I pulled Marcus out of my backpack clutched him tightly. His face was very solemn and he almost looked on the verge of tears.

"Are we going the right way?" I asked him, trying to dry my tears. I was angry and sad and so confused. I was beginning to use my Gift carelessly, I burned about 4 bushes so far and half the forest floor behind us was frozen.

"Yes, about 3 minutes maybe?" He replied, "Jaya, I know it's hard, but you need to calm down. Your Gift can make you very weak. You might not feel it now, but you will soon. Please stop."

"Fine," I said tersely as I tried to keep myself from doing more damage, but I was making no promises.

We continued in silence until we reached a large cave. It looked to be coming out of a huge mountain range. I wonder why we didn't see them earlier? Well, I guess this forest is quite strange. I took a deep breath and walked inside.

"Leave the mirror outside." Said a raspy voice from the corner, but I couldn't see anyone.

"Why?" I said, not ready to deal with some psycho without my only partner.

"Do it or get out!" He screamed.

I stomped out and put Marcus down on a patch of dying grass.

"He didn't have to scream." Marcus said kinda upset. "I guess he didn't like me."

"I'll be back soon. Ok?" I said ignoring his previous statements.

"Ok. Try to be quick this forest gives me goosebumps." Marcus said, frightened.

I walked back into the cave.

"What do you want?" The Seer said.


"Doesn't everyone?"

I looked at him angrily. He had come out of his corner and I saw one of his hands and both of his feet were chained to the wall. He had a long, shaggy gray beard and his hair was going every direction. His hands were calloused and had many scars on them. He had on a torn up shirt and black pants with so many holes, you would think it was a golf course.

"I want to know the Aari's plan to attack, what's happening to my sister, and where my father is."

"Oh, that will come with a large price. A memory maybe? How about confidence? Oooh an organ?"

"I don't have time for this! I need answers now, and then we'll discuss this." Usually I would just agree, but after everything that had happened to me I was going to have this go my way.

"Hmmmm," the Seer looked deep in thought, "Fine but that will make your price go up."

"Ok," I said kind of scared that the price would be too high for it to be considered reasonable. Then again, what has been reasonable in the last few days?

He put the hand that wasn't chained into the aired and waved it around. A small crystal ball thing was in the palm of his hand. At first it looked crystal, but then I noticed it was made of light. He told me to place my hands on the light-ball and I did. I felt energy course through my body, but at the sane time I felt rooted to the ground. I saw images of the Aari fly by and I saw our battle in fast forward. Then I saw Eska sitting in a dark cell, chained to the wall. She was trying to use her Gift and was able to throw someone a few feet back but I could tell she was so weak. The man who she threw back came charging back at her and slapped her across the face. She already had a large welt on the left side of her face and her eye was swollen shut.

"Stop doing that!" The man screamed at her.

"Stop doing that!" She mimicked.

He brought his foot back and kicked her in the gut. I saw Eska wince with pain.

"Why?" She asked simply.

"It's the only way to get what we want." He spat at her and walked out of the cell, leaving Eska alone to cry.

Then, the scene changed to a plain, white room with a large wooden desk near the back wall. A man who I assumed was their leader was seated there and was talking about their plans to take over Stonewall.

"Since we have already captured the eldest Princess, we pretty much have a clear shot at getting the throne. Her sister may pose as a small threat, but I'm sure she won't stand long without her sister to protect her."

"What about your son?" A man with bright red hair said.

"My son," the leader snarled,his face turning red, "knows better than to interfere with our plans. If he is trying to save Stonewall, so be it, but I will not let him get in my way of the throne."

The man who had asked the question had turned about as red as his hair. "Yes sir."

I wonder who his son is...? I thought to myself.

"When will we attack?" Another member of the Aari asked.

"In two days time. We will travel to Stonewall and surround and seize the kingdom, then we will take over and the throne will be ours!" A few men cheered.

The Aari would be at Stonewall soon and it was up to me to stop them. This nearly impossible task loomed before me, and I had to do it without Eska.

I took my hands off the ball of light and stared at the wall, deep in thought. So far, the only people that would fight against the Aari would be Marcus and I. Alone. I couldn't believe this was all happening, it was so hard to take in. In two days, I would be marching into battle. Alone. Except for a hand-held mirror to assist me. I sighed, which felt good even though it solved none of my current problems.

"Is that all?" The Seer asked impatiently.

"Where is my father?" I asked, wanting to know if he was even alive.

"Ah, yes, your dear, dear father," the Seer cackled, "I'm right here, sweetheart."

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