5. Ditto

395 12 96

i chose ditto bc like yass
this chapter is a continuation of last chapter so it's the same day.
also i might start lowercasing everything, i've made these two books on my phone and it's hard to capitalize everything.

Hoo ooh ooh ooh ooh
Hoo ooh ooh ooh

Madilyn's POV

When lunch was over, I booked it out of the canteen. I heard Hortensia calling for me but I ignored her. I rush to our classroom.

I'm so grateful that we finished our project early, we don't have to work on it together in class.

I was the first to get into the classroom, rushing to sit down.

"Madilyn, are you alright? You look tense." My teacher asked.

"I-I'm fine!" I stutter out.

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes! I'm fine!" I say, a bit loud.

"Sorry.." I apologize.

He nods, continuing to write on the board.

About two minutes later everyone else comes into the classroom.

And Hortensia was on time. For once..

She kept on looking at me the whole lesson.

When the lesson was over, I quickly rush to pack my things up.

When I finally got everything together, I rush out of the classroom, not knowing someone was trailing behind me.

I feel a hand grab my arm, but I quickly yank away.

It grabs me again and pulls me to an empty hallway. I try to get away but the grip is strong.

They pin me to the wall. kinky 😜😘 JKJK

I already know who it is.


Stay in the middle
Like you a little

"You have a lot of explaining!" She exclaims.

"I can't!" I admit, squirming out of her grip from the wall, trying to run away. But she caught my hand. why wont she leave me alone gah dayum

"No! You're not running away, I want another explanation and we're not leaving until I get one." She forces.

"Then we'll be here forever." I said. And I meant it.


"What time is it..?" I ask her quietly.

"Like 4:30 PM. Why..?" She asked, confused.

"Shit! The doors lock at 4:15!" I yell, running to the grand entrance, yanking on the doors but they don't budge. fml 😞💔💔💔🖤⛓️

Don't want no riddle
말해줘 say it back, oh, say it ditto

"Oh my god." I mutter and start pacing.

I know my mother won't do squat for me, nor does she care. She's probably asleep at home. (she got those mommy issues)

"We're stuck here." I say.

"No way!" She says sarcastically. I just roll my eyes.

"This is your fault." I say.

"Whatever." She mutters walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask, confused.

"To the stairs so I can sit?" She says, with a hint of sass. 🙄

I follow her and sit next to her on the stairs.

"I still want an explanation." She mumbles.

"No." I say.

"Fine, can you at least answer one question?" She asks hopefully.

"I guess.." I answer back.

"Did you mean what you said in the cafeteria..?" She asks, sullenly.

"I.." I trail off, embarrassed.

"Yes." I mutter, very quietly. I look away, blushing.

아침은 너무 멀어 so say it ditto


훌쩍 커버렸어
함께한 기억처럼

Absolute silence.

I could only hear my heart beating fast and loudly.

Then I hear her shuffling, probably getting up.

All of a sudden I feel a hand grab my face and make it face her. She looks straight at me.

She suddenly leans in and

kisses my nose. (ugh she missed 😒 )

보는 마음은
어느새 여름 지나 가을

I turn bright red and quickly look away.

"i-i" I try to say something but nothing comes out.

I just hide my face in my hands.

She snickers to herself. (i would've said giggles but idk it doesn't like fit her ifyk what i mean)

"W-why are you laughing at me?" I exclaim, flustered. (it wanted to autocorrect to flute..)

"Because you're cute." She admits, honestly.

기다렸지 all this time


lets just pretend they got home or stayed the night... idk what else to put sorry to disappoint with such a short chapter..

727 words

new song to continue the story 🙂

also im probably in every book you read if its about fictional characters 😍😍 or kpop idols but..

anyways hope you liked it, i didn't.

i accept feedback but not flat out hate.

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