Chapter 8

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The days passed quickly after that. They were boring, as suspected, merely just eating, sleeping and experimenting alongside Hange. The experiments were fun, but I longed to help her more, by doing the paperwork and stuff. Even though I loathed it. Sasha ended up telling the others about what had happened with the bath (with my permission) and they all seemed to sympathise. After a week I looked back on it without the embarrassment.

A month went by eventually and my cast was removed. My ankle had healed well before that, and I felt amazing. I could finally move my limbs, get back to training and work. I was happy again.

Something newer came up too. I now had private one on one training sessions with Levi. To say it was tough would be an understatement. I was getting pulverised quite often, though I was gradually getting better. I even managed to land a blow with my fist on Levi's arm. I was the oldest of my cadet graduate students, so there was pressure on me to keep us together. That was the reason why I was being trained by humanity's strongest soldier, he wanted me to exceed everyone else so I could protect them. I was getting stronger by the day.

I fell hard on my back and flipped over, groaning.

"Can't you go a little bit softer next time, Levi?" I muttered. "Honestly, I don't feel like breaking another arm or leg."

"Tch. Fine." He held out his hand and I gladly took it.

"Thanks," I said, patting down my uniform. I didn't want to look like crap before I saw Hange for work. Levi came up behind me and fixed my h/c hair and goggles (something I'd started to wear after Hange recommended it and made me some). I stood shocked, confused why he'd even bothered.

"Stop gaping. You looked like horse shit, and I know you have lab work with Four-eyes later." He said, arms crossed.

"I- W-what's that got to do with anything?" I stammered.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't think I didn't notice, dumbass. I see the way you look at her and get all flustered when she compliments you. You like her."

I was extremely taken aback by this. I thought I'd gotten better at locking my emotions up, I thought that it wasn't as obvious anymore. And for Levi to know?

"What- n-no I don't! What makes you say that..." I lied. I wasn't the best at lying about crushes evidently.

He just raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't lie to my face."

"Ok. Fine, you win. Happy now you have it confirmed?" I sighed.

"Yes. You wanna talk about it? It seemed to have been affecting you recently. As in, before I could tell you liked her, you seemed fine, but now you are more jittery and nervous. You may be physically stronger, but mentally, this thing is making you weak. You just can't take your mind off her, it's gonna get you killed."

I was even more shocked by this. Levi never showed compassion, only around Erwin. I decided that I'd question him later, so took a deep breath so I could speak confidently.

"Yes, but are you sure?"

"I have time."

We went to the dorms. Levi said that we had to clean while talking in order for it to be productive. I didn't mind much.

"So, why'd you ask? This isn't the Levi I know, it's strange." I said as I sprayed a mirror in HQ's bathroom.

"Tch thanks. I was trying to be nice and this is the gratitude I receive."

"In all seriousness, what is it?"

"Well, I'll be honest. Don't want it to sound mushy or whatever, but Hange is one of my closest friends, and I appreciate you too. I just don't want either of you to be killed. Out of everyone in this damned world, you, shitty Four-eyes and Eyebrows mean the most to me. You know, she really deserves someone like you. You two would be great together. I don't care if you are both female, just don't die on each other."

"You're speaking like we are together. She doesn't like me back, there's no reason to try."

"The proof?"


"Where's the proof of that?"

I hadn't thought about it much. It was more of a gut feeling. "Well, I see the way she looks at someone else, it's the same way I look at her."

"And who's that?"

I decided to just say it. "You."

He didn't look shocked or anything. He simply countered me. "She doesn't stop talking about you. She always says how you're so nice and strong and smart and stuff like that."

"I always see the spark in her eyes when you are near," The argument went back and forth until I finally gave in.

He put his cleaning stuff down, grabbed me by the collar and pinned me to the wall. Not in aggressive way, but in a way to get his point across.

"Y/N. Listen."

I looked down at my gloved hands and felt my ears burn. "I think she likes you back, dumbass. She's just a lot better at hiding it than you. She does get flustered sometimes if I mention you. You're both so oblivious. Who do you think got Hange as a replacement for Sasha for that bath a few months ago? I was hoping she would confess, but you're both pathetic. I want the best for both of you." He let go.

"You did it on purpose. That was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me, Levi."


"But thank you. I never thought I'd see a side like this of you."

"Are you trying to call me cold?" he looked at me disapprovingly.

"I'm not wrong." He then did something I'd have never expected from Levi. He, gave me a small hug. I hugged him tightly back. "Thank you for everything, for letting me speak to you. For telling me this. I'll be confessing soon, promise. I owe you at least that." I said, muffled in his shoulder.

"You do."

I let myself just do work and training without stopping to talk with anyone for the next few days. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts and get things done. It gave me time to figure out my next moves and plan it accordingly.

Although Levi had told me that he was fairly sure Hange liked me back, I was still nervous on what to do in order to tell her. I thought of buying her some assorted tea, but she probably wouldn't drink them. Flowers? She wasn't into that sort of thing. It was draining. I thought of asking Levi for help. No, he's already helped enough.


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