That same night at the Special Agent Academy...
In the main room, the special agent trainees are looking at Robby's dead body on a gurney.
I'm sitting on the three seat sofa, looking at the chalk outlined body where Robby's dead body was.
Violet (VO) So far, the special agent trainees had gathered some evidence, such as the small empty vial of cyanide poison that was used to poison Robby's rum drink, the time of his poisonous death, and who was with him. Or was by himself?
"Okay, guys, you know what to do." Maggie said to her special agent trainees.
The special agent trainees nodded, and slowly walks away.
Maggie looks at me. "Violet?"
I look up at her and slowly gets up to my feet. "I'll be fine."
"You sure?" Maggie asked me, worriedly.
"Yeah. I'll be fine." I reassured her and slowly walks away.
In the hallway, I'm slowly wandering around in the hallway, and the special agents trainees are talking about Robby's poisonous death.
"Hey, Violet." Wallace greeted me.
I look at Wallace and Kenzie and stopped walking. "What do you guys want?"
"You can't be glumly about Robby, you briefly known him for 5 minutes." Kenzie said, teasing me.
I look at Kenzie and punches her in her face, making her fall onto the hallway floor.
"Damn." Wallace said.
"Go to hell, Kenzie." I tell her and walks away.
Wallace and Kenzie exchange looks at each other.
The next morning, in the main room, the special agent trainees are examining the forensic photos on Robby.
Wallace, Kenzie and I are rummaging though the evidence bag, wearing a pair of rubber gloves.
I look at the small vial that the poison was in and dusts it with a brush, revealing some fingerprints. "I got something."
"What do you have, Violet?" Maggie asked, slowly walking over to me.
"Fingerprints." I replied.
"But the thing is, are the fingerprints male or female?" Wallace asked.
"Good question, Wallace." Maggie said. "But you guys need to know who was with Robby?"
"He was playing a video game last night in the main room." Kenzie said.
"How do you know that?" I asked Kenzie.
"I was passing through, getting myself a smoothie from the smoothie machine." Kenzie replied.
"Robby could've committed suicide on himself." Wallace said.
"Robby wouldn't do that to himself. And yes, I known him briefly, but he wouldn't suicide himself." I said to both Wallace and Kenzie.
"Or maybe, you don't know Robby." Wallace said, gently leaning on the table.
I gently leans on the table, looking at both Wallace and Kenzie with a serious look in my eye. "Or maybe, the playfully teasing went a bit too far."
Mystery / ThrillerThe Violetverse series centers on teenage Violet Benton as she makes her surprised return to Somerville High School. The Benton Gang, of course, is thrilled to see her return again. But her surprising return causes a little strain in the relationshi...