tuesday, january 30th 2015
honestly i don't have anything to say. we haven't talked, you don't even make an effort to nod your head at me anymore or even acknowledge me.
i know this should piss me off and i shouldn't put myself through this. but it's insuppressible.
there's just these constant thoughts.
i think i should talk to you, and then i reason with myself why i shouldn't, i make up all of these conversations in my head that we can be having and just all of these ridiculously naïve delusions.they keep me up at night, so much so that i have to take sleeping pills. i think it's getting a bit intense.
but at least in these delusions you acknowledge me.
my grades are dropping, i can't pay attention to anyone without wondering who you're talking to or what you're doing. i can hear your voice in my head over and over.
all i can think about is how you could do so much better than her. maybe i'm not better. but maybe i could be.
this chapter sucked so badly im so sorry i will makeup for this im sorry i have no motivation. ALSO THIS STORY IS BASED PARTIALLY ON MY LIFE AND THE UPdates are based on events that happened but slightly dramatized but i'm literally writing what's happened in my (nonexistent) relationship so that's why updates aren't frequent. i love you guys so much and please vote & comment questions, where you think this story is going or just whatever you want!!1!1!:!2!1!4 i love you guYS !!!!!

dead (discontinued)
Short Story"my suicide letter will be only a picture of you and your new girlfriend, because that's enough to make me want to die." (don't read this i wrote it in the 7th grade pls let it die!!) (I LITERALLY WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 13 PLEASE DONT READ IT I ONLY...