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The weekend goes by too fast.

Saturday was spent pretty much helping Melissa put together the new furniture she bought for Scott's bedroom, says he's never around much and Alice should pick something she likes instead. She already took over the space anyway.

"Are you sure Scott's okay with this? It's his childhood..."

The brunette tried to argument, but Melissa was determined. Then suddenly there's an extra box that Derek starts unwrapping with the help of the two teenagers, Noah taking a break next to the woman so he can have some water.

"Is this another bed?" Derek frowns at the sight.

"Oh, yes!" Melissa quickly jumps to their side, a smile dancing on her lips even though her next words try to make it sound rather insignificant. "You know, Eli spends the night a lot as well, my couch is getting old..."

"The couch is fine, Melissa." Eli presses.

The Sheriff questions. "Why are you guys sleeping over so often, anyway?"

"It's just for movie night... Well," Ali clears her throat as she steals a glance from the woman herself. "Movie nights, actually."

"It started being every Tuesday, now it's Thursdays too." Melissa chuckles.

"Maybe we should stop them from having movie nights on school days." Derek sighs, throwing the paper wrapping the pieces of the furniture to the side.

"Hey!" Eli protests, no way he's giving up on movie nights.

"We've been doing them since we were eleven, Derek. You can't!" Ali says.

"Let them be," Noah allows, noticing how Melissa has gone quiet in the corner.

The man knows that would be the responsible option, but not the right one. He knows why the two spend those specific days of the week in the McCall household. He also knows they have gone from one movie night to two because Melissa's days off are those particular nights since August. She doesn't watch the movies with them, not always, but she sits in the corner, reading a book... Finding comfort in the background noise.

It started with Alice spending the nights when Noah had to work late night shifts, then she started coming more often. Eli joined her a little later. Now, it's tradition. Now it's Melissa's company, filling the empty echo her only son left behind. That's why there's two new beds, a new closet, even a TV. Scott would be so hyped about the new TV.

"At least while they're watching movies, they're not bickering nonstop..." He finishes.

"Good point," Derek points out.

The two teenagers try to refute the belief that they argue a lot, only to end up proving them right. The adults laughing at their inability to go more than ten minutes without fighting about something. Usually something ridiculous.

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