Chapter seven | 'Best friends'.

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A/N: Once again thank you for 400 reads!!! We are actually getting close to 900 now thank you so much!!!! Plus I have another story idea. If you enjoy this story you'll most likely enjoy the one i am planning to write. The name is Sunshine Resort


(Also imagine the ears on both Dream and George)

⚠️T/W:⚠️ Swearing.

"Didn't we make a deal earlier Georgie?~"

George shivered at the tone of his voice and the fact that he felt Dream's breath caress his ear once again, it sounded, well, hot. It was deep. He has never heard his tone from the blonde, and even if he did his mind was stuffed in the clouds. The tone was a complete flip of the usual clingy and innocent posture, and George didn't really seem to mind it that much.

He thought back to which deal the blonde was referring to, but his mind was completely blank. That might've been because the position they were in right now, he felt very flustered but happy. Suddenly Dream's arms pulled away from the small brunette, George was now trying to think of which deal the blonde was talking about. All of a sudden he got spun around by the familiar pair of arms, now facing the

male that put him into this position. He was looking at George, his eyes full of excitement, his tail wagging rapidly behide him. His child-like smile never leaving his slightly freckled face. George looked at him confused at first. But then he remembered the cleaning they did the other day. The deal.. The petting deal.. "Fuck off, dog man, i'm

breaking the deal." George said as he saw a frown appear on Dreams face. "But you wouldn't break a deal Georg-" he got cut off by George "Fine get down here giraffe man I can't reach you from here." George commanded. "Demanding much are we?" Dream teased but still listened and slightly moved his head down.

Not to the point he was looking down completely but to the point some of his hair covered the tip of his forehead slightly. Also he could get a better look at George from the position he was currently in. He brunette lifted his left hand, Dream's excitement levels were sky-high. Atleast for a moment they were.

Just to see George trying to pry the mask off of his head. When the brunette took off the mask off of the taller males head he tossed it on the other couch. Then returning his hand to the dirty blondes head. Dream at this point was crushing the air with the speed his tail was wagging at. If that's even possible. George started softly and slowly locking his fingers in Dream's clean blonde locks. Eventhough, the man was a messy 'dog'. He always cleaned himself up from whatever activity got him dirty in the first place.

And George knew this, is was Dream who asked how to keep himself clean at all times.

The brunette continued messing his fingers through the blondes hair, at this point starting for to mess with it, Dreams tail was wagging rapidly, non-stop. The brunette was passionate and focused, Dream was having the time of this life, the brunette softly fidgeted this fingers through the blondes clean locks, Dream looked up slightly, he saw the tip of Georges finger. The 5 minute mark was now passed, they didn't seem to mind. Especially Dream, the two were suddenly disturbed the door suddenly swung open to Sapnap that was standing in the entrance. The two separated almost immediately, "Hey mamas," He yelled out, he walked over to the living area. To see his two 'roomates' as he called them.

"Look who came back" George said looking over at Sapnap who just rolled his eyes, "Where were so long huh?" He said further. "I told you two, I was helping Karl." He answered. "Oh so THATS why you were gone for so long" Dream teased "Hell no, calm your horny ass down, we didn't smash" Sapnap quickly denied, "Then what DID you do, sit down and talk?" George soonly joined in on the teasing, "Actually, yeah, we did, we also watched a movie infact." Sapnap agreed to George's argument nodding his head slowly. "Who chose the movie?" "He did?, Why?" He questioned, "You're such a simp Sappynappy~" George teased in a baby voice. Making Sapnap blush slightly, "Wait no, SIMPNAP!" Dream screamed out laughing, the two males were now  just laughing as Sapnap stood there not knowing what to say. "Well, you're a mass simp for George!" He finally spoke after a long pause, "Touché" Dream replied with zero shame. They started laughing once again, and spent the rest of the day just making jokes and laughing and ofcourse teasing Sapnap about his 'relationship' with Karl. But who knew maybe something was happening between the two?


A/N: End of the chapter here, also so sorry for not updating in a while, sorry for chapter eight I finished it faster then this one and accidentally published it. Two times.. Also sorry for the short chapter. The next one is.. A bit panicky. So get ready, maybe some tissues if you're a more sensitive person? I'm sorry idk. | 894 words!

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