best day and yet the worst day

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Rider's POV

I must have been asleep for a long time, because when I woke up it was dusk.

The dragons were everywhere. Scattered and scrambling.

I came out of the opening and saw the king. I asked," hello your majesty. Why is everybody scrambling around the nest?"

"How can you forget your own crowning day?"he asked.

"Sorry, I've just had alot going on recently. I am ready. "

"Don't apologise. Just meet me at the great waters in twenty minutes. Everything will be ready then."

I bowed and walked to the great waters. It took me twenty minutes to get there.

I stood on the ledge before the waters and bowed down.

Alfa anounced me as prince and he let me stand on his tusk and then dive into the water and swim to the bottom. Then I came up and he crowned me with his icy breath.

Every dragon applauded. Toothless started growling. Probably a bird or something.

Alfa congratulated me and then it was time to show everyone how I fly. Toothless didn't stop growling.

I told him to come to the ledge and let us show them how I learned how to fly, he wouldn't budge. I turned away and into Alfa's direction, but he also had his back against me. He was talking to other dragons.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around my arms and a hand was clasped to my mouth. Not before I let out a cry of surprise.

Alfa turned towards me and he showed that he was angry. He took a step closer, but the viking that I recocnised as Stoick, shouted,"one step closer and your precious prince loses his head!"

My eyes widened with fear. Luckily, Alfa(the bewilderbeast) was smart enough to know what that meant. He took a step back.

Stoick pulled out another sword and pointed it to the other dragons that were surrounding us.

There was no getting out ov this one. Even for me, this was a tight spot.

When he brought me to the ship they sailed in, he threw me into another cell.

Was this normally how they treated trange people?

Was this how a parent would welcome back their son that was gone for twenty years?

Probably not. Seemed like I was prety different than other people, or at least, Stoick and Valka were.

"Hey, Stoick, is this normally how you would treat your kid that was gone for twenty years?"

"No, this is normally how I would treat a person that is trying to live with dragons."

"You do know that I can help you withe your dragon raids, right?"

"I tried to get someone to get to help me with the dragon raids twenty years ago, but that caused a whole lot of chieftains deaths and my son being taken away by dragons. I used to promise my boy that he would forever be safe at home and nothing would be able to keep him away, but-"

I interupted him by saying what he used to say before I was taken away. I don't know why I kept on to it.

"The dragons can raid until the moon is blue, but until that day, you are safe at home and nothing will take you away. "

Stoick stopped in his tracks.

Why did I hold on to this? It was a promise that they made and they broke it. They took me away from my home.

They promised that the dragons wouldn't get to me, and turns out I live with them now. I am a dragon prince!

They didn't protect me. Stoick didn't care at all and Valka always left me at home when a dragon raid was taking place.

"How did you know what I used to say to my son?"

" I don't know. My parents used to tell me that every night before I fell asleep. But it doesn't matter anyway. They broke their promise twenty years ago and now they are breaking it again."


"What is it with you and Valka and that name? My name is Rider. I lived on berk twenty years ago. I figured out that I was your son once, But that doesn't make berk my home."

"We are trying to get you home-"

"You took me away from my home!"

"Your home is at berk!"

"My home is with the Alfa and his nest!"

"You are my son! "

"You are nothing to me!"

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"You are going to live on berk even if I have to chain you to it!"

"Then so be it." Stoick left and Valka came.

On the rest of the way she tried to talk to me but I refused to talk or eat or even sleep. When she finally decided to give up I gave a sigh of relief.

I could still smell the salty water all around the boat. If only I could get out of this ship and into the water. The water dragons would take me back home.

My inferno sword was still in my pocket. These vikings never learn.

I started spraying the Hidious Zippleback gas and pretty soon the whole boat was full of green spoke I took cover and made a spark. It all exploded and my cell door was open.

I ran to the edge of the boat and jumped overboard. I swam as deep as I could and as far as possible without breathing.

So that they wouldn't notice that I am gone.

The vikings knew where to find the nest. I had to go back and evacuate the entire nest and then make a new one.

Or I would have to leave everything behind and start over. Without dragons by my side and without any vikings looking for me.

That won't work. I would simply have to go back and evacuate the nest. Even if I wasn't there, the vikings would still know where to find them and they would be in danger.

Unfortunately, there was not a dragon to be seen within miles. So I had no other kind of transport than swimming. Right now, I just had to get away from the boat as fast as possible. Then I could take my time withe the rest of the way. And maybe find a dragon that could help me get there faster.

I had to focus on swimming fast and not drowning.

Hopefully the smoke hasn't cleared on the boat yet and they haven't noticed that I was gone. Then maybe, just maybe, I could get back before them.

And hopefully the nest will clear out as soon as possible. I understood why toothless was acting so strangely. He was trying to warn me.

He didn't want me to be taken away again. And when I didn't listen, I got taken away and he had no way of helping me.

I don't blame him. He warned and I didn't listen. The nest was discovered and now everyone, including Alfa, was in danger. I understood that It would be pretty hard to save someone if that person had a blade to his throat.

I swam until I couldn't swim further. Then I just drifted in the water. I was I the part of the ocean that was commonly known for its saltwater dragons.

That was bad news for me, because the land dragons were against the waterdragons and the waterdragons wanted a prince too. So they were also commonly known for trying to take me underwater and make me their prince. It was also bad because I couldn't breathe underwater.

Up ahead I saw two dragons flying by.

"Help!" I yelled. It was the only thing that I could really do. I had to get help soon or else I would drown. My legs won't able to keep this up much longer.

I was so tired. My body couldn't take it anymore. I saw a block of ice drifting towards me and I grabbed and held on. Then everything went black.

nobody like me, except me (Httyd fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now