I come tearing down the pit lane through the crowds of people, dodging and ducking as I could see him doing the same from the other end as we charge towards each other.
The minute we make it to each other in a stream of people he strips his helmet off revealing his covered in sweat face where the biggest smile was spread across it.
"Peux-tu le croire" (Can you believe it?") he screams repeatedly over and over again.
Charles has just won the Mexican Grand Prix. He just freaking won it and I couldn't be more thrilled. More so, it seemed like every single driver was thrilled for him because the sea of congratulations and hugs came from the grid during our own personal celebration.
"You bloody did it, Charles!" I scream at him over the noise. "You did it!"
There is so much chaos and excitement right now down on the track, but he's got to get ready for podium. He plants a quick kiss on my cheek before heading up to collect his trophy.
I stand amongst the masses as we await the ceremony.
Watching as Lewis Hamilton takes the 3rd place trophy. Then as Max takes the 2nd the crowd around me erupts and my mother cheers loudly in my ear. I feel the excitement flutter in the pits of my stomach knowing that Charles is about to be awarded.
"Hey" I feel a hand grab me around the waist as a familiar voice whispers in my ear. I know who it is by the way my body responds to him.
"He really deserves this, doesn't he?" He continues, but I can hear just a pinch of sarcasm in his voice and I know what he's saying. This wouldn't be the outcome if I was on the grid.
"I couldn't think of anyone who deserves this more" I gloat, glancing over at Lando over my shoulder.
He gives me a knowing look.
They announce Charles as the winner and as he takes podium I erupt with the rest of the crowd, even my mother getting involved.
Charles is absolutely gleaming, and he really does deserve this, regardless of who was on the grid today. It's not as if the rest of the pack is anything to sniff at. Max is two-time world champion; Lewis is a legend in his own right. For Charles to be able to drive the way he did today and win with an 11 second lead, that's really impressive. And deserving of all the glory he is receiving.
Charles' eyes find me amongst the crowd and my smile widens as he salutes the cup towards me with a wink. I place my hands either side of my mouth and call out to him.
As the Monegasque national anthem plays in his honour, his eyes stay peeled on mine as I hold his gaze, my eyes slowly filling with tears of pride.
However, the hot laboured breath becomes present on the side of my neck as I can feel Lando's body directly behind me.
"You're looking at him the way you look at me, don't tell me there's nothing there" he boasts to my ear.
I'm unsure why the feeling of guilt floods me, and If I'm honest, Charles would be the better option for me, he always has been, god knows he has always treated me with a lot more respect than Lando has ever done, and I feel like there is something there, a lot of love, but not the kind of love that I'm looking for in a romantic partner. More like a soul mate best friend. And my sights have always been set firmly on Lando ever since I saw him.
I'm annoyance I whip my head around to Lando, whisper shouting just for him to hear, "Stop acting like you want me when we both know you don't"
A playful, sinister smirk appears in the corner of his lips, "hey, you kissed me, remember?"

GRIDLOCK - Lando Norris [BOOK 1 Gridlock Series]
FanfictionI loved him, and there were times he loved me too. When the cameras were off and the lights were low, Lando Norris really did love me. I have to believe that otherwise what else do I have to hold on to? - Evelyn Verstappen was the younger sister of...