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This is my favourite and least favourite week of the whole calendar.

The final week.

The preparations to the last race of the season are always the most hectic, and understandably. It's the week where you finalise your 2023 ideas and look forward into the 2024 year. The mechanics and techs are always working. Christian is always working to see what he can do better, what he needs to fix. And the drivers, their entire year comes under the spotlight and its game on.

"Ergghhh" Johan groans as he flops himself onto his back at the foot of my bed.

I chuckle at him as I pull my sweater out from underneath him and throw it into my packing suitcase. We all fly out to Abu Dhabi today and I guess Johan is feeling how I am about finals week.

"It'll be over soon" I chuckle.

Johan gives me a knowing, dumbfound look. Because, of course, for the mechanics, it's never over. Christian will fly them all back to the workshop in preparations for the 2024 car.

"Okay, well, this season will be over soon" I correct myself, "plus, you're not the one who needs to deal with mother if things don't go well next weekend".

That's also been added to my stresses.

What if Lando wins?

"Any plans over the winter?" Johan attempts to distract himself.

Zipping up my case and pulling it onto the floor, I lay down next to Johan and stare at the ceiling. "Not really." I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I feel him flip onto his side so he is now starring at me.

"Yeah" I breath, opening my eyes and side-eyeing him, "Big season" I admit.

He raises his eyebrows in agreement, "Tell me about it." he breaths with a sarcastic tone.

I feel the shift in the bed next to me and his sudden exit is present. "Come on, lets do this" he announces, holding his hand out to me to assist me off the bed.

As we take our luggage down to the front lobby to wait for the cars, I pull my phone from my back pocket and check to see if I have any messages. I have the usual memes and tiktok videos sent through from Charles, the group chat with me and some of the other mechanics has a few 'bro' jokes in it, Maddie has forwarded on her latest selfie f us all to like, but other than that. Nothing.

I'm unsure if I expected to hear from Lando, I shouldn't expect anything from him. Navigating this new vibe between us is going to be difficult.

"Evelyn" I hear my mother call from the other side of the lobby. "Do you have all of your things?" she asks.

I nod in agreement as she ushers one of men following her in the direction of our bags. She hands me the information I need for the flight, lowers her glasses and continues out the door to one of the many black cars lined in front of the hotel.

"Jeeez, that was cold" Johan teases.

I roll my eyes, "When is it ever not like that?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I know. Still, that woman doesn't have a single maternal instinct in her body"

I feel a stabbing to that comment, because it isn't all true. "She does for her son" as much as I've always tried to not let it bother me, I've simply just existed in Max's shadow, and what's worse is she placed me there. The moment Max was showing potential, it was all over for me and my interests.

"Come on" Johan announces, throwing a hand around my shoulders, "We can feel sorry for ourselves the entire way to Abu Dhabi with the onboard cocktails"

The flight to Abu Dhabi takes what literally feels like forever. With the connecting flight at JFK we arrive about 19 hours later.

Johan and I definitely felt sorry for ourselves for majority of the trip and are in a state that requires us to only head to the hotel and sleep, for the next 72 hours at least.

Our hotel in Abu Dhabi literally looks like a spaceship and just through the lobby is this huge indoor/outdoor swimming pool that is bigger than any pool I've ever seen.

But, I can appreciate it all later, right now all I want to do is get to my room and pass out. 

The final weeks schedule is more chaotic than every other race, there seems to be that much more pressure to get make sure that the car can perform to its greatest ability, and you can bet, that the fact of this race determining the world championship, everyone is on edge. One wrong move and theres no 'next week' to correct it. 

I don't have any responsibilities inside the team to ensure a win, so I am free this week, but it does mean that no-one else is. And I will have to hang around by myself. 

It's Tuesday before the final race and I am strolling through the busy streets of Abu Dhabi, wearing a burnt orange matching set crop and skirt. 

"You look lost" I hear the familiar French accent coming from behind me. 

I turn to find the one and only Charles strolling behind me. "How long have you been following me for?" I ask in a chuckle. 

He gestures over toward a building to his left, "Just came from here, so not long" he smirks as he catches up. 

"How you feeling about this week?" I ask him as we now walk side by side down the boulevard. 

"Actually good, I think I have 3rd place in the constructors in the bag" he beams. And I agree with him. I think that no matter what happens between Max and Lando on Sunday night, Charles is going to be coming in 3rd and I am so proud of him. 

"That's so amazing, Charles" I appreciate. 

"Where are you off to?" he asks. 

I shrug my shoulders as I lead us around one of the corners, "I actually don't know. Everyone's in preparation week, so I figured it was just best to stay out of everyones way." 

This makes him chuckle. "And after this season, will you be seeing Lando?" his question is hesitant. 

I let out an unknowing huff, "I don't know" I admit in defeat. 

"faire attention" (Be careful) he warns as he wraps a hand round my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. 

"I know" 

"Hungry?" he asks as he pass a little cafe with some cute outdoor furniture below some umbrellas, we settle in and enjoy the afternoon. 


Hey guys!! I really hope you're enjoying my first Lando fanfic, it's surprising me how many there are of you in such a shirt period of time, and it really send butterflies my way whenever I see someone read, rate or comment, so thankyou so much!!

I am writing a second book now, not the sequel to this one yet, it's another one, called DECEPTION and it's bad boy Lando!!! ;)

I have attached the description below for you, if it's something you might enjoy, please give it a read :) it would mean so much <3 thankyou

CB x

DECEPTION - Lando Norris

"You want to know why I insist on keeping you here?'' he repeats. I allow my head to nod. "Because I know how much you hate it"

Lando Norris and Josie Oliver's paths crossed in more ways than one over the past year and every time wasn't pleasant.

Josie had worked her entire life to be the best personal trainer and life coach that she could be. Something to really make her parents memory proud, and there had been times in Josie's career where McLaren had scheduled meetings with her for Lando when they were in England. But when the call came in to request Josie full time and to travel with them throughout the season, the only positive benefit Josie could see was the figure on the pay check.

As the season goes on, and Josie begins to find herself experiencing more than what her job description provides, she realises that the small print in contracts, may have gotten her way more than what she bargained for.

GRIDLOCK - Lando Norris [BOOK 1 Gridlock Series]Where stories live. Discover now