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In the morning, there was a common feeling in the air, just like up on the hill, just like every 'tell me something', it's filled with our secret. The knowing between he and I that it's something more.

I watch him as he emerges from the bathroom wearing only a towel wrapped around his hips. I watch as he walks around my hotel room, after what we shared last night, as if it's totally normal.

The one thing that our eventual physical contact did was somehow break the barrier of awkwardness. It's like; we still shouldn't be doing this; but we don't care now.

"Morning" he smirks; catching my eyes back up to his as they had conveniently settled at the glorious line between skin and material.

"Last night was" I hesitate. The words unexpected, a mistake, different, indescribable, did it actually happen all threaten to come out.

He settled in front of me, cupping my face in his hand whilst he leans against the other. "Perfect" he whispers before pressing his lips against my own only slightly parted.

A simple kiss. One that wasn't determined or fueled in the moment. It was a simple, normal kiss that occurs between two people who ache to be close to one another.

"Do you think it was a mistake?" He mumbles, lips still feathering against mine.

I shake my head, being that his was still resting on mine, I end up moving his head with mine which only makes him chuckle before shifting himself off the bed, onto his knees and resting himself between my legs, his arms using my legs as a support.

"I've always wanted this, Lando" I confess.

He responds by leaning forward and recreating another perfect.


We took a gamble and decided to spend the day together out on the town, we chose the areas which felt like small sectors to limit exposure; and that seemed to make the day that much more exciting.

We browsed local book stores, and the community hub for local knowledge. We walked by the docks and sat on the pier as we dipped our toes in the water, whilst we quenched our thirst from a shared pineapple.

We took happy snaps of each other and some together. We joked and laughed and didn't mention the words Verstappen, Formula 1, or Norris. We ran the coastline as Evelyn & Lando, two people getting to know one another, getting familiar with one another, getting closer.

"What are your plans for tonight?" He asks.

"I guess that depends" I tease, both of us full well knowing I want to be with him, regardless of what we are doing.

"I saw this great place whilst I was out last night" the recognition passes both of us, but we chose to ignore it, "it's like a restaurant, but they play live music, and people dance and it just looks, I dunno, fun" he shrugs in embarrassment.

"You? Dancing?" I poke, Shoving him lightly with my shoulder.

But I'm not met with jokes on his part, he almost looks like I've offended him. My heart sinks into my stomach and I quickly regather my feelings.

"Hey" I mellow, "I'd love to go dancing with you, that sounds wonderful, Lando"

The smile that spreads across his face warms the very depths of my soul.

"Well then good." He stands up from the edge of the pier and offers his hand to mine. "Shall we head back? I can meet you at your room at 7? We can go from there?"

I nod a little too enthusiastically but we make our way back to the hotel, hand in hand and the laughter and feeling of something new engulfing the air around us.



I have absolutely nothing to wear.

I've emptied the complete continents of my suitcase across my apartment floor and still, nothing.

Nothing that screams, serious date with Lando.

But I've got 5 minutes, and finding an outfit is the last thing I need to do to be ready. My hair is out, in its natural curl and I've applied enough makeup to make it look like I'm wearing it, but not enough that I'll have a mascara waterfall after the first dance.

I resort to something I really didn't want to do, and I find myself in a desperate situation as I open FaceTime and get advice from someone who knows me better than myself.

"Hola E!" He screams from the other end "oh my god, why are you naked" he gasps.

"Hello, and I'm not naked" I pan the phone down to show my black undergarments. "I need help"

The background noise that was once surrounding Johan disappears as I become aware he's removed himself from the crowds.

"What's up?" He asks with complete sincerity.

"Before I tell you why, you need to promise me you won't say anything to me, or to anyone else" I warn.

I watch him roll his eyes at my request "you need help picking an outfit to go on a date with Lando" he comments.

I have to consciously stop my mouth from falling open.

"I know you, kid" he teases.

I have nothing to say, which he finds amusing.

"Grab your white jean shorts and that black singlet that has the really loose and droopy neckline to it. Don't wear any neck jewellery, but add the big gold hoops that Christian bought you for Christmas"

This time, there is no controlling it as my mouth falls wide open. I place the phone down without a word and proceed to get in his suggested outfit.

Once I'm dressed I set the phone up and walk backwards to show him the completed look.

"Perfect, now go have fun and be careful" he warns before blowing me a kiss and hanging up.

I study myself in the mirror and am actually quite impressed. Johan did well.

Just in time, as Lando comes knocking on my door.


"It's just up here" Lando announces as we walk up the hill toward the edge of the centre of town. He hasn't stopped complimenting me on my appearance since he arrived and I've been making mental notes to thank Johan.

As we step inside the restaurant/bar, it's like I've walked straight into every romance novel ever. The scenery that lines this place is like photoshop and I am in complete awe.

"What do you think?" He asks as I can't stop taking in every detail.

"Lando, this is amazing. I had no idea this place existed "

We are escorted to a small table on the balcony that overlooks the bay, Street festoon lighting lights up the lines of streets surrounding the restaurant and I can't stop staring at Lando.

How did we get to here?
How did we manage to end up here after everything?

"Lando" our path is crossed by a gorgeous brunette with the most perfect tanned skin and piercing green eyes. "Didn't think I'd get to see you again so soon" she flirts.

I can tell immediate who is standing in front of me. The very girl that had her arms wrapped about Lando last night. My heart sinks into the pits of my stomach.

"Sophia" Lando acknowledges her with a small nod, but I can see the apology to me written all over his face. "This is Evelyn" he introduces.

But she doesn't even flinch. Not a single conscious or subconscious fibre in her body acknowledges my presence and it irks me to the core.

"Come and find me when you're done" she requests before staunching off past us, her perfectly set, wavy, coconut smelling long brown hair swoops past us in her path.

We don't need to say anything. We both know who that was. And I don't want to make waves. I don't want to be the jealous type. With everything else in our lives creating obstacles in our possible romantic future, I don't need to add to the list.

I give him a comforting smirk and link my arm in his as we make our way to our table.

GRIDLOCK - Lando Norris [BOOK 1 Gridlock Series]Where stories live. Discover now