Day 3

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For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that who ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

-John 3:16-

When God gave His ONLY SON to the world so that we could be saved, It was like God was giving a part of Himself to us. God The Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are all a part of the God head, so they are always connected and together. While God was with Jesus all of His ministry it was still different, because now Jesus was not only fully God but fully human. Jesus was made fully man because now He could also fully understand our way of life, our suffering and our daily temptations.

Jesus Went to the cross and died so that WE could be saved! How amzing is that? And on the third day of being in the grave He ROSE AGAIN! and now we don't have to do anything. All we have to do to be saved is to believe, We Must Believe That we are sinners and that we must reapent, that Jesus died for us and that ONLY He can save us. WOW. Just wow. I mean what other God in all of these other religons would do that? I mean we just have to belive in God and He will save us! that's how much He loves us.


Have a beautiful day today and don't for get how much God loves you!


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