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  Seonghwa's pov

  The next morning, I awoke earlier than the other three inhabitants of the apartment. San was curled closely to my side, one of his arms and one of his legs over myself.

I smiled softly and carded my fingers through his hair while I laid with him.

A little while of laying with San later, my medicines were slid under the gap of my door in their package. I smiled softly, knowing Jay or Maria had woken up and brought them to me.

San began to groan softly as he woke up. He tucked his head closer to my chest and mumbled nonsense.

"Good morning, Sannie. How'd you sleep?" I asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the calm mood of my room.

"I slept well; you're comfy," San mumbled, still clutching onto my hoodie and burying his face in the cloth.

"You'll have to let me up soon; I need to take my medicines Jay put under my door," I said. San groaned again but slowly unlatched himself from me. He rolled over and held his pillow to his chest.

I got up from my bed and picked up my morning doses, then grabbed a water bottle from its case. I took them, then threw away the empty package in my trash can.

  I flopped onto bed behind San and wrapped my arms around him to gently rub his stomach. San hummed happily and leaned his head back closer to my shoulder.

  "I really like this, Hyung," San mumbled softly, his eyes closing as he allowed me to continue caressing his skin. I kissed his temple softly before hearing his stomach growl quietly.

"Let's go get something to eat, Sannie. I'll cook unless you want to order in again," I offered, gently untangling my limbs from the younger man's. San quickly shook his head.

"Will you please cook? I can help!" San exclaimed, a cute dimpled grin on his lips. I smiled and helped him out of bed and led him into the kitchen.

  "Jay, Maria, the kitchen is a communal space in the apartment. It's also, like, ten in the morning!" I exclaimed, seeing the pair making out at the counter. Maria gently separated herself from Jay and let them hop down from the island countertop.

"Ooh are you gonna cook?" Jay asked. I nodded and walked towards the freezer to begin looking for bacon.

"Sannie, what do you want to help me make?" I asked.


"Of course. Do you want eggs and bacon as well?"

San nodded with a shy smile that I found adorable, causing us to begin scurrying around the kitchen as we cooked.

We all four sat at the table and ate our breakfast, making light conversation all the while.

  "Hwa, San, would you want to go on a double date today?" Jay offered, then took a sip of orange juice.

  I looked over at San, who seemed to be very preoccupied with eating still. I smiled a bit and gently tapped his shoulder closest to me.

  "Hm?" He asked, his eyes wide as maple syrup stained the corners of his lips.

  "Do you want to go on a double date later today?" I asked, gently sliding the plates of extra food I made closer to the performer.

  "Yeah! I'll just need to know how to dress," San spoke after swallowing. He took another pancake onto his plate and added some syrup.

  I saw Jay's eyes widen at the sight- this was San's fourth pancake and he'd had four fried eggs and several strips of bacon. I discreetly shook my head, silently telling Jay and Maria both not to say anything regarding his eating at all.

"Thank you," I groaned, dropping my head onto san's shoulder. San laughed softly and asked why.

  "I'm usually a third wheel on their hair, nails, and shopping dates, and now you get to go along with it, too, Sannie," I said, looking up at him from his shoulder.

  "A date like that sounds fun! Why'd you third wheel them if you didn't like going?" San asked me the second softly.

  "They couldn't live without me that long," I said dramatically. Jay rolled their eyes and flicked my forehead.

  "No, we use you to walk the mall and the streets safely because you're a guy."

  "Wow, okay, so I'm used for my guy-ness, thanks, sibling," I scoffed. Jay only smiled cutely then got up to clear their plate and Maria's.

  "You could be used for your wallet instead Hwa; would you prefer that?" Maria asked teasingly. I quickly sat up straight and shook my head, joking saluting her.

  "No, ma'am."

San laughed softly beside me, seemingly having finished eating, but instead of asking that, I asked, "would you like any more?"

  "No, thank you, Hwa Hyung. You're a really good cook!" San praise with a dimpled smile on his syrup-coated lips. I grabbed the pack of wet wipes on the table and gently wiped the sticky sugar away for him.

  "I'm glad you like my cooking, Sannie. You can tell me some of your favorite meals, and I'll cook them, alright?" I lowered the wet tissue to see his mouth was now clean of it all.

  San gently cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips, still tasting like the syrup we'd ate. I smiled softly into the kiss as I noticed this before I pulled us apart.

  "We should probably go get ready too, Sannie," I said, then pecked his lips again. I stood up with our empty plates and walked to the sink.

  San walked to stand beside me as he rolled up his sleeves too, another dimpled smile resting comfortably on his face. I smiled too and we washed the dishes together.

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