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Seonghwa's pov

The next day was a Saturday, and we didn't film on the weekends. I looked at the calendar in my phone and saw today was the day I meet up with my sister.

  "Joong, I'm gonna go to a cafe in a bit. Do you guys want anything when I come back?" I asked. Hongjoong furrowed his brows and gently shut our bedroom door. A shut door was now "code" for privacy.

  "Hwa, is there someone else?" Hongjoong asked. I looked at him confused and stepped closer to him, but he backed up.

  "No, of course not, love. Why would there be someone else?" I asked softly, keeping my tone level and calm. My heart ached in my chest because he thought I may have been cheating on the seven of them.

  "You're going to a cafe on your own dressed really nicely. You look like you're going on a date, but I'd know if you were taking anyone; the members all always let me know when and where they'll be," hongjoong explained, his face showing a little worry as he looked up at me.

  "Hongjoong, do you remember when you stayed over? When I asked my adoptive sibling for a key?" I asked, finally being allowed by him to come closer. Hongjoong let me embrace him as I spoke. He nodded against my shoulder.

  "Well, that key was to my parents' lockbox. Inside it, I found another birth certificate apart from my own. I have- I have a sister, Hongjoong. I didn't know I had any siblings, let alone a big sister who was put up for adoption less than three years before I was born. I'm going to go meet her by myself first, then I'll see about her wishes to possibly meet you guys and Jay and Maria." I explained further. Hongjoong looked up at me sheepishly.

  "I'm sorry..." he apologized. I smiled softly and kissed his lips sweetly.

  "Don't be, lovely. Thank you for talking to me directly first instead of worrying everyone else. I'll make this worry up to you, okay?" I said, lifting his hands in mine and kissing their tops.

  "Make it up to me?" Hongjoong asked softly, "it was an accusation, wasn't it?"

  "It was one you based in worry, not in hatred or malice. You were worried I may have had someone else, and that is not the case, but I'll make sure you know that it is something you'll never have to worry about, okay?" I said, cupping his cheeks gently, then kissing him again.

  "Okay, I really have to go now, but I'll be back soon." I kissed his cheek and hand then left from our bedroom.

  I drove to the cafe my sister and I agreed to meet at, then entered it. I found her at a table closer to the back.

  "Park Somin?" I asked. She nodded and stood up from the table.

"Hi, Seonghwa," she smiled. I smiled at her and sat down at the table across from her.

"I'm sorry I'm late; one of my soulmates had a small crisis I had to comfort him about." I bowed my head a bit, but she waved it off with a wide smile.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're here for us to meet in person. Uhm, how are you? How are your soulmates?" Somin asked.

"I'm doing well, so are they all. How are you? Have you met your soulmate yet?" I asked.

"I'm doing well, but I haven't met either of my soulmates yet," Somin says, frowning a little bit. If you hadn't met your soulmate by twenty-five it was pretty safe to assume yours weren't alive anymore.

"You'll meet them," I said, smiling a bit at her.

We talked for a couple hours in that cafe over coffees and snacks, then decided it was about time to return home.

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