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   Seonghwa's pov

The next morning, I awoke with Jongho on my chest. He was still asleep, a little puddle of drool by the corner of his mouth was on my shirt, but I didn't mind it.

I smiled softly and combed my fingers through his hair. He looked so calm, just asleep on my chest, and it made my heart warm.

"I like you, too, Jongie," I mumbled softly, kissing his forehead. Jongho stayed deep asleep, a quiet snore coming from his lips at my kiss against his forehead.

"Hwa, I've got your medicine," Jay knocked a few minutes later, waking the sleeping man up. Jongho lifted his head and noticed the drool on my shirt before apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Hwa," he said.

"It's alright; you're too cute when you're comfy," I said, gently pinching his cheek.

"Jay's got your medicine?" He asked. I nodded, causing him to roll off me so I could go get the packet from the doorway.

I picked it up and took them before laying down in Jongho's arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

  "You're cute, Hwa." He spoke, caressing my cheek. I smiled softly and pecked his cheek.

"You're cute, Jongie," I said, watching as he grinned adorably and hid his face in my neck shyly.

"Hwa?" Jongho asked softly. I hummed in response.

"Can I have a real kiss?" He asked.

"Let's go brush our teeth first, then you can have all the kisses you want, hm?" I offered, my cheeks tinting rosy. Jongho nodded quickly and let me get up so we could go to the bathroom.

I handed Jongho a new toothbrush and we brushed our teeth together. Once done, Jongho wiped his mouth on a wet wipe I handed him- he had toothpaste foam all around his lips- then he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"All the kisses I want?" He asked.

  "Make out in your room, guys. I have to piss!" Jay exclaimed, knocking on the closed door. I laughed and laced my fingers with Jongho, then dragged him to my room.

  "Oh we're hiding out in your room with your sibling a couple rooms away? Naughty," Jongho teased, his arms around my waist before he kissed my cheek.

"If I have to hear Jay and Maria every holiday, birthday and celebration, they can hear us while we kiss," I mumbled, leaning towards him to kiss his lips. Jongho smiled before planting his lips against mine softly.

His hands stayed around my waist as mine trailed to his shoulders and hair. I gently combed my fingers through his black and purple hair, which seemed to urge him to kiss a little more forcefully.

I smiled softly into the kiss and led him backwards towards my bed, where we broke our kiss for a bit to sit down on the plush mattress.

"God, you're beautiful," Jongho whispered, lifting his right hand to cup my cheek. I quickly kissed him again, the force causing us to lean until he fell back onto the bed.

I separated our lips with a sheepish grin, that only seemed to make Jongho want to kiss me more. He gently placed his right hand on my nape and tugged me back down into another kiss.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, can we please take it a step back?" I asked softly once I pulled back from the kiss. I sat up beside Jongho shyly as he began to do so as well.

"Did I go too far?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, I stopped us from it. I just- I don't know if I'm ready for more than kisses with you yet,"

"That's okay, Hwa. It's your decision as much as it is mine, and plus, I don't know if I'm ready for more either yet," Jongho said. I smiled softly and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Thank you for understanding," I said. Jongho smiled and laid his head against mine.

  "Always, Hwa. Another kiss though? Please? You kiss so well," Jongho asked, whining softly. I smiled again before kissing him, swiping my tongue over his bottom lip and earning a soft gasp from the younger man.

  He allowed my tongue to lick into him, brushing against his tongue each time and receiving quiet gasps or sighs from both of us as they made contact.

  Jongho seemed to believe it was his turn to lead the kiss, his tongue and mine tangling and fighting for purchase in the other. I let Jongho win after a bit, his tongue coming in to lick around my lips, teeth, and tongue like he was mapping me out.

  "Hwa, I need to stop," Jongho mumbled softly, his cheeks rosy with embarrassment.

  "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. Jongho shook his head.

  "No, it's just- I got excited and I need to calm down now," Jongho explained. I nodded and laid my head back down on his shoulder.

  "It's okay, Jongie, don't worry," I said. Jongho sighed and caressed my cheek.

  "You're just too beautiful, Seonghwa, and you kiss like that? God, you're gonna be the death of me," Jongho laughed softly. I smiled softly and shook my head.

  "Just think: we're soulmates; you're stuck with me. You're with me forever, Jongie,"

  "Forever?" Jongho asked, "you want forever- with me? With Ateez?"

  "Of course I want forever with you all! You're my soulmates; you're my whole world!"

  "But what if the world doesn't want us to have forever?"

  "Then we'll fight until we get it."

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