Chapter 5: The Truth Does Hurt

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The thought of love makes me cringe. I know... For most girls, it makes them feel like nothing is impossible. Like love is the greatest power in the world. Of course, most girls my age don't know what love is. Growing up, a lot of girls had boyfriends in middle school. They would always have their crush like them back. Me, on the other hand, had crushes like any normal girl would. Unfortunately, no one liked me back. I was cool with it, because I already knew that I wouldn't be ending up with the fairytale love story. Heck, I doubt that I would end up with any love story.

I always thought that I would end up being that one person that graduates from high school and college, still single. Then, having 51 cats living in a nice big house for myself. Maybe, if I were lucky, I would have a roommate keeps me company... Because I am not THAT crazy.

It's not that I don't want children. It's just that I already know that I would end up being alone. No one likes me anyways. I don't even consider myself to be anywhere near attractive, or fit... There is my future for ya. I know... Dull, right?

The truth hurts, but at least it isn't a lie.

Walking out of the library, still backwards from watching the two love birds flirt, I bump into someone once again. I didn't fall this time. I just jumped forward from shock. I screamed so loud, you could hear me from China.

"Ugh, you again," the person said. I turned around to see Hunter with a smug face.

I put my hands on my hip. I am not letting him ruin my day. "You must have been born on the highway, because that is where most accidents happen." I said with a smirk on my face. I feel a bit bad, but this guy deserves it for being as ass...

I could tell he was a bit taken back from what I said. His face changed in two seconds into a smirk and says, "That is so funny!" He starts laughing sarcastically and holds up his middle finger towards me. "You gave my middle finger a boner!" he says smirking. He thinks he could win this conversation. Not on my watch.

"I may be new to the school, but girls are telling me that is the only boner you could get..." I say smirking... That was a good one! Pat on the back for that.

His moth dropped wide open. "Do you know who you are talking to, little girl?" he asks sounding annoyed.

"Actually, yes I do. I am talking to an arrogant, cocky, self-centered senior name Hunter," I say.

He starts getting angered and as his face becomes bright red.

"The truth hurts, huh?" I ask him.

I look down to his hands as he clenches them as hard as he can. He starts to huff. I could almost imagine him as a mad bull with steam coming out of his nose.

I must have awoken the beast... Oh no...

"You don't know anything about me. You are just a stupid freshman that no one likes. Don't pretend I haven't seen you in the hallways. You don't have any friends! You are a nobody!" he screams. Right after saying that, I could tell he wish he never said that. Too late.

Suddenly I have a new whole feeling. My body feels weak and my heart starts to hurt. I feel my eyes water and swell up. That's it. He won... The water from my eyes rush down my cheek. He has sunken my ship.

He is right, though. I am a nobody. No one likes me. I don't have any friends. The truth does hurt...

I start bawling with tears running down my face. I try to wipe them away, but they just keep coming back. My face starts feeling numb. Why can't I stop crying? The tears won't stop!

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that," he said walking forward towards me. He hold his arms out. I guess he wants to comfort me.

I slap his hands away while wiping my tears. I start recovering from my melt down.

"Can you at least try to watch where you are going?" I ask while quivering. Why do I always end up being at the wrong place at the wrong time?

"Says the one walking backwards..." he says.

I will not walk away from this conversation as a loser that cries. I will walk away making him feel bad.

"You are the one walking forwards. I don't know if you know this, but people don't have eyes on the back of their forehead... While you on the other hand, don't have ANY eyes apparently. And just for your information, I would rather have no friends and actually have a heart. Than be a person like you that thinks everyone likes him. I suggest you take your head out of your ass. It is obviously far up in there." I said as I walked away. I felt victorious. I still need to know who this guy was. He obviously was a person of importance for Ethan to know him. How can this guy be important? He is cocky and self-centered. Why would someone even like him?

I walk around the school wondering where I should go for the next 10 minutes of lunch. I walk around the school that I have just started to get to know. The school seemed easy to remember. Each floor had specific subjects. The different teachers for English, math, and languages were on the first floor. Then, the second floor had the sciences, history and other special classes. The library and music room was up there, too. I start walking down the hallway, looking the empty classes. I look to my left and see a room filled with different instruments. It is like heaven in the room. Obviously, this was the music room.

I walk into the room which was fairly chilly. Hmm, there is no teacher in here. It is so peaceful and quiet. Ooh, I like it here. Maybe I should spend my lunch in here from now on. Looking at the different guitars, I pick an acoustic guitar from the rack. Hmm... Now I just need a capo. I look around the room to find any capos so I could play one of my favorite songs.

Maybe the teacher has one in the drawers. I walk over to the desk and open the first cabinet. There we go! Found a nice one!

Hopefully this guitar is tuned. I walk over to one of the many seats in the room. Once I get settled, I let my hands and voice do the rest. I decide singing and playing Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran.

Music is like a drug to me. Once I take the pills, I let the drug take over me. I don't know what it is... It helps me block out all of the messed up things in the world. It helps me forget about all my feelings. Music makes me feel peaceful. I'm never aggravated when I'm singing.

Growing up, I only had my basic 3 friends. I wasn't that good being sociable, but that never minded me. Whenever something was bothering me, I turned to music. Of course that never solved the problem, but it helped me forget about it for a while. Normally, I would have my 3 best friends help me out, but they aren't around anymore. I know I already have one new friend, but our bond isn't as strong as it was with my EX- best friends.

Everyone has their peaceful place. That place where everything seems right, nothing wrong. Whether it is a quiet meadow with birds chirping, sun shining, and a fresh breeze. People have different ways to get to their peaceful place. Whether it is swimming or running, which honestly I don't know how people find exercising as 'peaceful', singing brings me to my peaceful place.

"Sky?" someone asks while opening the door.

Can this day get any worse?

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