Chapter 6: Ex-friends

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Lexi P.O.V.

"It's alright, Sara. Don't' cry. It is his loss anyways," I say.

I can't believe Sky would do that to her. First she thinks she is cooler than us by leaving us, then she steals Sara's boyfriend, and now she is hanging out with Britt's crush? Who does she think she is? She wouldn't be anyone right now if she wasn't friends with us. She may have been pretty and all in middle school, but it is my turn to get fame now. She isn't the lead of the group anymore.

The only reason why she never had a boyfriend was because of me. Of course I don't feel bad for her or anything was because all the guys that liked her were the guys me, Sara and Britt liked. All three of us worked hard for them to take their minds off of Sky. It's not fair how no one liked me in middle school. I had to force them not to like Sky. Now she thinks she is all that by taking Sara's boyfriend?

She doesn't actually think she will get away with that does she?

I grab some tissues from my purse and hand them to Sara.

"Thanks guys. You have been really supportive. I just don't get why Sky would do such a thing!" Sara says while quivering.

"Don't worry. She will have to pay for what she has done... To all of us," I say.

"What are we going to do to her?" Britt asks.

"Make her feel as bad as we do. We don't deserve any of this. None of this is your faults girls. It is all Sky's fault and she will regret stealing our crushes and boyfriends," I say.

All three of us walk out of the bathroom after Sara finishes cleaning her face from crying. We walk down the hallways of the second floor and hear two people talking in the empty hallways.

"You don't know anything about me. You are just a stupid freshman that no one likes. Don't pretend I haven't seen you in the hallways. You don't have any friends! You are a nobody!" Hunter says to Sky.

She starts bawling. The three of us all find this funny. She was probably being the disgusting slut that she was throwing herself onto the most popular guy in school. Now he has made her into a fool.

We listen to the rest of the conversation between Hunter and Sky. She really is pathetic and ridiculous. I can't believe we were actually friends before. I never really liked her anyways. She was just there so we could earn some fame. Now we don't need her.

We walk up to Hunter who just stood there after Sky left.

"Pathetic, right?" I say to him.

"Um... yeah. Pathetic..." he says and starts walking away from us. Why does he look sad? He can't possibly feel bad for her!

"Well, um, okay. Call me if you ever want to talk about it," I scream to him because he has already walked halfway down the hallway. Wow. He is super handsome! Once I get Sky off my hands, I will ask him out.

After waiting to make sure no one was in the hallways, we all followed Sky to the music room. She is playing the guitar and singing... She is pretty, and she can sing?! That is not fair! This makes me hate her even more.

Am I jealous of her? I am not jealous of her... Of course not... Why would I be jealous of someone like that? Sure, she may have the perfect life, perfect voice, perfect everything... There is just one thing she doesn't have that I do. She doesn't have friends.

Skylar's P.O.V.

I look to the door and see Lexi standing there with Sara and Britt at her sides.

"Oh... hi," was all I said.

"What are you doing in here?" Sara asks.

"Just playing guitar," I say. I stand out of my chair to put away the beautiful guitar back on the rack.

"Oh, we didn't see you at lunch so we went to find you." Britt said.

Aww! They missed me! They were looking for me! My mood changed from having the worst day to having the best day!

"Yeah, I just wanted to play the guitar in here," I say. I guess we are friends now!

"Oh okay, um. We were wondering why you have abandoned us," Sara said putting her hands on her hip. Is she mad?

"Wow... You actually think I abandoned you?" I say while walking towards them.

"Yeah, you are lucky we even stayed friends with you! Then, you leave us" Lexi says. I am mostly shocked right now. How am I considered 'lucky' for them?

"Whatever," I say walking out of the classroom. Something stops me. Britt's arm holds me back from walking out. She starts pushing me, hard, back into the room. Britt is really strong! She pushes me back onto the chair I was just sitting on. What is wrong with them?

"Let me out!" I scream. I push out of Britt's arm and run towards the door. Suddenly, right before I leave the room, I feel four arms holding me back from running out. "What is going on with you guys?" I ask them. Maybe this is just a weird joke they are playing with me.

They place me back on to the chair. I struggle, but Britt and Sara hold me back on the chair.

"Don't struggle, Sky. We wouldn't hurt you. We are your friends, right?" Lexi says with a high-pitched voice, standing in front of me. The tone in her voice is NOT trustworthy.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask them. I am really scared right now. I feel powerless. They are too strong against me. Why were they doing this to me? I never did anything to them! If anything, I should be the one mad at them!

"Well for starters, we noticed you stopped talking to us. You ruined our whole plan! Back in middle school, you were always the prettiest one in the group. Remember Jake? Sara's boyfriend in 8th grade?" Lexi says.

I do remember Jake, actually. We were all so excited for Sara to have her first boyfriend. Plus, he was cute too! I never really got to know him, but since Sara liked him he was cool with me. What does Jake have to do with me?

"He broke up with Sara... Because of you." Lexi says. She gave me a stink face.

What does Jake breaking up with her have to do with me?

"How?" I ask. This is getting me really scared. Why did they have to put me into a chair in the first place? They could have just told me to stay because they needed to talk to me. They didn't need to make his scary.

"After you stopped being friends with us, he broke up with her," she says. What?

"Aw, I'm sorry Sara. But, I still don't understand what this has to do with me," I said. I look over at the clock to see what the time was. I am already late for my next class! Actually, who cares about class right now? I really just need to get out of here. I don't know what these girls are capable of anymore. I thought they were just normal girls that I used to be friends with. NOT three crazy girls that might be planning on killing me!

"Stop acting so innocent! We know that you tried to steal all of our crushes. They all liked you! It's not fair. You don't know how it feels when no one likes you. It makes you feel ugly and worthless. You think you are cooler than us? You have it all! You will pay for what you did to us!" Lexi says.

I look over to my right and see Sara smiling at me in the scariest way possible. What are they planning on doing to me? I don't even know what she is talking about. No one liked me!

"What is even going on? I spent my middle school years with you guys! Of course you would be the only people to know that no one liked me either. I don't have any idea as to why you think I 'stole' Jake from Sara! No one ever liked me!" I scream at them. "Can you guys just let me out of here?!"

Lexi starts to walk closer to me. Her face is so close to mine, I start to notice that she has been wearing A LOT of makeup lately. I could even smell her overdone perfume. What happened to her? "Wow! You really are oblivious and stupid! All our crushes liked you! You were so pretty, you sang like an angel, and you were so nice to everyone! How could people not like you? We had to force our crushes not to like you and it only broke our hearts! You are so pathetic! You bitch!" Lexi screams into my face.

"You're the bitch so shut up! Get off her!" someone screams from behind Lexi. The voice is so familiar.

A/N: Who do you think came? Comment who you think will save the day?!

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