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march 13, 2022

i walked into the living room, greeting tyler, trey, and joe.

"why is that lily is always more punctual than sam?" trey asked the group, i just shrugged my shoulders.

"i do take pride in being punctual." i say taking a seat next to jamar.

"lily punctual hubbard." emily says with a slight laugh sitting down next to tyler on the end of the couch.

"what is your middle name?" trey asked. my middle name wasn't something i liked to talk about.

"tulip." i mumbled. it wasn't very fun being named flower, flower, hubbard.

"lily tulip hubbard?" tyler repeated out loud. "does your parents have a thing for flowers?" he asked.

"imagine sam's middle name is peony or something." joe says causing the group to laugh.

"it's actually iris." i said, i've never wondered why my family loves followers so much.

"flower family." emily said. "what's the thing which flowers?"

"i don't know." i said, i had the same question and emily.

"hey tulip!" tee said to sam once he walked into the living room, everyone stifled a laugh.

"you told them?" sam asked me, shooting me a glare.

"they asked." i replied putting my hands up in defense.

i looked around, everyone was diverting into conversations of their own and i started thinking.

not about anything negative, but these people are the people i care about the most, they are my best friends and my family.

some people aren't lucky enough to have people like this, or people at all. and the fact that they care for me as much as i care for them makes my heart warm.

"are you ok?" tee asked, leaning towards my ear a little so i could hear him over the chatter of other conversations.

him being that close to me shouldn't have sent chills down my spine, but nonetheless it did.

"i'm okay." i said with a soft smile, i didn't realize i was zoning out, he must've noticed.

"if you need to talk about anything," he said. "i'm all ears." somehow, anything he says to me makes my cheeks heat up, i felt the blood rushing into them.

i felt my phone vibrate from my back pocket and i pulled it out.

em <3

everyone can see how
red your cheeks are rn

my cheeks are not red

lily, they are
what did he even say
to you?

nothing, he just asked if
i was ok

and you reacted like that?
you are so in love

i didn't respond to emily's last text, because what would i say? yes, i am deeply in love with tee higgins but i can't tell him. what kind of response is that?

"c.j. is leaving the bengals." sam read from his phone.

"wait, what?" emily said. i didn't know if she said that because she didn't know him, or if she was confused like the rest of us were.

unrequited love • tee higginsWhere stories live. Discover now