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lily's point of view ~ sam's point of view ~ tee's point of view ~ joe's point of view

march 25, 2022

i just stand there, not knowing what to say. tee knew he messed up, and i felt betrayed.

the only people that knew where emily and jamar.

i bite my lip, trying to not let the tears spill from my eyes.

"you do that?" sam asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

i don't know what to say, so i don't say anything. i leave. i go upstairs and sit in sam's room.

i sit in front of his bed, my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs.

i don't know how to sort through my emotions right now, there's too many and my brain feels like it's going to explode.


sam's point of view


i felt my heart drop when tee said that, i knew it was true by the look on both of their faces, but what pains me even more is that lily didn't tell me.

i was mad at tee for one, yelling at my sister in the first place over something stupid and two, putting her business out there.

i know that things between jamar and lily are strictly platonic, jamar is in a relationship, but i do understand where tee is coming from.

i wait a minute or two, then i follow lily upstairs. i find her sitting in front of my bed.

i sit down next to her. "why didn't you tell me?" i ask, keeping my voice soft and low.

"i, i don't know." lily replies, the tone and cracking of her voice makes my heart break.

"if you ever want to talk about anything, you can talk to me about it." i say. "i'm your big brother."

"that's why i didn't tell you." she says. "i didn't want you worrying about me."

"i'll always worry about you, lily." i say. "i've been that way since you were born."

"but what's going on with you and tee?" i ask. i have a feeling i know what's going on, but i want to make sure i have the full story.

"we were fine, but then we had this argument, it started out fake, because we were just trying to prank you guys and then i felt like it became real, like he actually meant what he was saying." she says.

i don't say anything for a second, processing what she's saying and finding my best response.

"i know things between you and jamar are nothing more than friends but i can kind of see where tee is coming from." i say. i try to be a good mediator, not to pick sides.

it's not really as easy task if you couldn't tell.

"so what do i do?" lily asks, i think of my best advice to give her.

we've been in situations like these before, where she comes to me for advice. it's something i've always cherished about our relationship.

"reassure him that he has nothing to worry about." i say. "that's what i would want someone to do for me."

"that's what you would want trey to do for you." she says nudging my arm. i smile and roll my eyes.


tee's point of view


as soon as i said that to lily, i wish i could take it back. i didn't mean to just put her business out there.

i knew i messed up, and i knew she was mad, and i didn't mean to get carried away.

i meant what i said, but it's not like i meant to say it like this, to embarrass her.

once jamar asked to talk to me outside, i had to mentally prepare for what he was going to say.

to be honest, i didn't know what to even prepare for because i didn't know what he was going to say.

"do you really feel that way?" jamar asks, i nod. i feel so embarrassed right now, expressing my insecurities was never something i was good at.

"dude, you have nothing to worry about." jamar says putting his hands on either of my shoulders.

"she's actually so in love with you." he said. "she talks about you all the time, ever since she met you."

"she is always like," he says clearing his throat for an impression of her. "tee's so pretty, his eyes are so perfect, his laugh is amazing." he says.

"she's obsessed with you." jamar says. "and honestly, i can see where she's coming from, but i don't swing that way." he says giving me a wink.

"i got that immaculate, irresistible, astounding, dumfounding, rizz." he says, patting himself on the shoulder.

"if that's what you want to call it." i said shaking my head before we both walk back inside.


joe's point of view


i'm so confused right now. i feel like i'm missing a lot, and honestly, i just want to go home and play super smash brothers.


joe 😭😭

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