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tee's point of view ~ lily's point of view

march 25, 2022

lily spent the night last night, after we kissed we watched a couple of movies, and when she checked the time it was too late and she was too tired to drive home.

she slept in the guest room, because i didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

i woke up around 9, and checked on lily. she was sleeping very peacefully, and i would feel bad if i woke her up.

the sun was peaking through the curtains, casting a radiant glow of sunlight onto her face. it made her skin glow.

i went downstairs and started making breakfast, honestly, i don't cook a lot, but i feel like i'm okay at it.

i grabbed the eggs out of the fridge but lily only likes egg whites which i don't have, so i decide to make pancakes instead.

the first pancake i made, i burnt it so i had to throw it away.

the next pancakes i made, i didn't burn. i was on a roll and ended up making 20 pancakes. i also made bacon, i felt like chef boy rd.

"that's a lot of pancakes." lily said walking into the kitchen, sitting at the island.

"i got a bit carried away after i burnt the first one." i say, i notice she's wearing my shirt. "that's why it probably stinks in here." i said.

"no, i think it's just you." lily said, with a light laugh.

"ouch." i say faking pain. i push the plate of pancakes towards her, and she grabs 2.


after we finished eating, lily went home. i didn't really have anything to do, so i filled jamar in on what happened yesterday.

"we could go on double dates or some corny crap." i suggest.

"huh?" jamar says, i could tell he was bluffing.

"you and emily, lily and i already know." i say. "she put the pieces together." i said.

"is lily mad? we didn't tell her, we wanted to wait. i hope she's not mad." jamar said.

"no, she's not mad. i'm pretty sure she's happy about it." i say, easing jamar's nerves.

"yeah." jamar said trying to convince himself. "so, you and lily are together now?" he asks, i nod.

"took you long enough." jamar said.

"she doesn't know i told you, and i don't really want to tell anyone right now." i said.


lily's point of view


i couldn't wait to get home so that i could tell emily, i know she's going to be over the moon happy for me.

i also made a mental note to talk to her about jamar.

"emily, you'll never believe where i was last night." i say walking in, joining her on the couch.

"where?" she asks, turning her attention to me.

"tee's house." i say, a smile present on my face, i felt like a high schooler gossiping again.

"are you guys together now?" she asks excitedly, i nod.

"em, he literally painted a picture of me the day we met from memory." i say pulling out my phone and showing her the canvas.

the painting was in my car. "i'm so happy for you, lils." emily said giving me a hug.

"you and jamar are a thing now?" i ask, changing the subject.

"how did you find that out?" she asks.

"i figured it out, you weren't here that often and jamar was always busy." i said.

"i'm sorry for not being around as much." emily says.

"it's not a big deal, i'm happy for you guys." i say.

"we should go on double dates and stuff." she suggests.

"that would be amazing." i say, thinking about it.

"you can post cryptic pictures with taylor swift lyrics as the caption." she says. this was something we talked about in college all the time.

"i can't wait to tell sam, he's gonna be so excited about it." i say. "i can't wait to tell everyone honestly."

cult members

come over to my house at 3

do i get a choice?

no, it's mandatory

what if i have plans?

when do you ever have plans?

tee is as single and lonely
as can be

you got a girl tee?

nope, single.

am i invited??

when are you not invited?

fr, emily is everywhere

em and lily are a package

so are jamar and tee

and sam and trey

facts, we gotta be a
package deal joe

why'd lily go ghost??

tee completely denied he had a girlfriend, as if it was so easy to lie and that made my stomach uneasy.

emily and i showered and got ready, she decided to drive to sam's.


y'all are gonna hate the last chapter i swear

unrequited love • tee higginsWhere stories live. Discover now