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march 13, 2022

i don't think anyone in this room was except sam to say that, at all. well, at least almost everyone.

trey didn't look the tiniest bit shocked actually. i'm not going to out him, in case i'm right, but i have suspicions now.

"someone say something please." sam said. i felt bad for asking him that question.

"are you bisexual or?" joe asks, saying the first thing that came to his mind.

"gay, not bi." he says, that explains why i've never seen him date anyone.

"i've lost my chance!" emily said dramatically trying to lighten up the mood.

"can i talk to you for a second?" i ask looking directly at sam, he nods and we step into the hallway.

i don't really know where to begin. "i'm really sorry, sam. i didn't mean to out you or anything. i had no idea." i ramble.

"it's fine, lily." he says sincerely, which pulls the weight directly off of my chest. "if i didn't want to say it, i wouldn't have." he said.

"i'm going to ask you something, and you don't have to answer." i say knowing that if i didn't ask, it would eat me alive.

"trey?" i ask, sam nods.

"don't say anything about it, he isn't ready to come out yet." he says. i nod, fully understanding.

"i'm proud of you by the way." i say before we head back into the living room. he gives me a gracious smile.

once sam and i sat back in the living room, everyone continued talking and having a good time.

sam looked relaxed and relieved. i don't know how i didn't notice before but he was tense, like all the time. i guess i just got used to it and it seemed normal.

it was getting kind of hot inside so i went outside for some fresh air. it's march, so it's not freezing, but it's breezy.

"what are you doing out here?" tee asked, he must've followed me out here for some reason.

"i just wanted fresh air." i replied, i also really love the swing bench that jamar has but i didn't want to sound like a child.

"why'd you lie?" he asked. i knew he was suspicious, but i didn't know he actually cared that much about it.

i chose my father's favorite tactic. "lie about what?" i asked, i'm pretty sure he can see right through me at the moment.

"you did watch clemson games, you told me that. and you knew who i was before we even met." he said. why on earth did he remember that i said that?

"i couldn't think of anything else to say." i said, i had to keep the lie going.

"you could've told me who you like." he said.

"what are you talking about? i don't like anyone." i say. deny, deny, deny.

"yes you do, i heard you talking to emily." he said. "we aren't in middle school." he added. "just tell me who it is."

i dug myself into a very deep hole, and i'm not quite sure how to get out of it.

i had to think of someone who was in that room, and also single, and also sounded believable.

"jamar." i blurted out. i squeezed my eyes shut once i said it.

tee just nodded once, then he went back inside. a few moments later, jamar walked out.

"you needed something?" he asked joining me on the bench.

"i messed up so bad." i said putting my head in my hands.

"it can't be that bad, what did you do?" he asked.

"tee was grilling me about who i liked and i had to come up with something and i said you." i said.

jamar started laughing very hard. "it's not funny!" i say punching his arm, i was under duress.

"you're gonna have to get outta this yourself." he said. "you dug the hole."

i knew he was right, but i didn't really want him to be. "so what do i tell him? yeah i lied about liking jamar, i actually like you." i say mimicking the hypothetical situation.

"exactly." jamar says as if it's not big deal, which it really is a big deal.

"maybe he'll just forget about it." i say, trying to convince myself more than jamar.


emily and i were the last ones to leave jamar's house, it's not like it was very late, it was only 7.

it was almost completely dark outside and i could not wait for daylight savings to kick in.

i drove back into the city and to our apartment. somehow, i got lucky enough to park right by the elevator in the parking garage.

we took the elevator down to the lobby, then we took the elevator on the other side up to our floor.

our apartment is on the 15th floor, which is pretty high up. we have an amazing view of the city.

the living room, just like both bedrooms have amazing giant window that allow for the perfect sunlight or in this case, night light.

emily and i watched the notebook for the fifth time this month and called it a night.

lilyhubbard posted on instagram

lilyhubbard posted on instagram

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liked by emily.peters, joeyb_9, teehiggins, jamarchase, and 34, 621 others

lilyhubbard: oh darling all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes 🌃

jamarchase: james arthur rizz
^lilyhubbard: yk i got that lyric rizz

emily.peters: i wrote you letters for 365 days
^sam_hubbard_: they were watching the notebook again

nbsmallerbear: san francisco is sm better
^joeyb_9: it literally isn't
^sam_hubbard_: cinci is way better
^lilyhubbard: buckeyes attack
^joeyb_9: nah im a gueax tiger

joeybosa: los angeles is top tier of them all
^lilyhubbard: can't argue with that

jjetas2: minnesota is pretty nice
^lilyhubbard: we both know that's not true jj

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nfl honors last night was legit so funny, george kittle sang, all the jokes, it was amazing

but kermit won mvp so i'm very mad, but the bengals won best celly and joe won fed ex air player of the year

unrequited love • tee higginsWhere stories live. Discover now