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march 28, 2022

my life, i can't even begin to describe it. i don't think i've ever been happier.

tee and i are doing amazing, emily and jamar are doing amazing, sam and trey are doing amazing.

everything is perfect.

i've been taking less shifts at work, so i've had more free time. i've gotten into playing the guitar, and i paint with tee sometimes.

the weather is getting nicer, which makes me automatically happier. i feel like the sun brings peaceful thoughts to my mind, it feels good.

everything is perfect.

my mental health has been better than it has ever been in my entire life, i'm completely stress free.

i haven't touched those scissors since, and i haven't even had the urge to. i feel peaceful and calm within myself instead of having rapid words and thoughts jump in and around my head all the time.

i've been able to get more sleep this way, which helps my mood and attitude.

everything is perfect.

baseball season is starting up soon, and i love baseball, i have season tickets to cincinnati reds games.

the draft and the combine are soon, so i have those to look forward too.

everything is perfect.

life is good. it's beyond good, life is amazing, i'm in the light at the end of the tunnel.

everything is perfect, too perfect.

i've been spending the night at tee's recently, which has been amazing. he makes really great pancakes.

i've been hanging out with my friends every day, and we all couldn't be happier.

"goodnight, my love." tee says planting a kiss on my head and i lay down on his chest.


the next day, i wake up and i don't recognize where i am. the room is all white, nothing but monitors next to me.

then i realize, i'm in a hospital. why am i in a hospital?

i try to recollect my thoughts and figure out why on earth i am in a hospital, but nothing.

i can't think of anything that could've happened last night to where i would be in a hospital.

i try not to panic, and i wait for a nurse to come in. i'm sure she'll give me an explanation as to why i'm here.

maybe i fell and hit my head or something.

a nurse walks in. "lily hubbard." she says, walking over to my bedside.

"that's me." i reply, confused at the weird expression on her face.

"do you know where you are?" she asks, i nod.

"in a hospital." i reply.

"do you know why are you are in a hospital?" she asks. i feel as thought she's treating me like i'm a little kid, one question at a time, beating around the bush.

"no." i reply, shaking my head.

"try to recall you memory, what's the last thing you remember?" she asks.

i think very hard. "i," i say. "i remember going to bed last night."

"by yourself? do you remember where you went to sleep at?" she asks.

"i wasn't alone, i was with my boyfriend, we were at his house." i say. "in his room." i specify. i wonder why she's asking me weird questions like this.

"who is your boyfriend?" the nurse asks.

"why are you asking me this?" i reply. a few more nurses and doctors walk into the room now.

"we will give you a minute, let them explain it to you." a doctor says before they all leave the room.

"explain what to me?" i say, mostly to myself. sam walks into the room and i feel relieved to see a familiar face.

"what day is it?" sam asks.

"march 29th, 2022." i reply, wondering why he's asking such a question.

"does march 29th, 2018 mean anything special to you?" he asks.

i think long and hard, i know that was 4 years ago today, but it doesn't mean anything special to me.

i shake my head. "no, it doesn't. should it?" i ask.

"you went into a coma that day." sam says.

"what? no. i remember everything. i have a life, i have a boyfriend, i remember everything." i say.

"lily, you're still in college." he replies.

"so these past four years didn't happen?" i say.

"they did, but you've been in a coma for all four of them, lily." he says.

"justin has been worried sick about you, so have i. we didn't think you were doing to make it." he says.

"so tee, and and emily, and jamar and joe, it's it's all not real?" i say, tears spilling from my eyes.

"joe? joe burrow?" he asks. "he's our quarterback. you've never met him."

"tee?" i ask.

"tee higgins?" he asks, i nod. "he's a player on the bengals, how do you know him?"

so it was all fake. none of it was real. the tee that i know, the sam that i know, the jamar that i know, the emily that i know, the life that i know, wasn't real, isn't real, and will never be real.

everything was fake.


not expecting that ending??

thank you so much for reading this wattpad, it means so much to me <33

other works:

watching you • joe burrow
interview • jalen hurts
assistant coach • sam hubbard
burning red • joe burrow
nfl imagines • multi

unrequited love • tee higginsWhere stories live. Discover now