[14] Haunting ☠️

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                 As PAI returned his home he hugs his mother "you know mom you are extremely Beautiful and smart. In this world no one is like you. I really...really love you... (kiss on her cheek) if you have any 😙 problem tell me I will fix in anytime. Phrapai always with you."

Mom in shock and smiles at him with full suspicion look. "What do you want?? You were with son sky? Did you fight with him? again I have to talk with him." 😑

Happiest person pouted "mom, no.... I am showering my love on you....why everyone thinks I am doing anything purposely. Huh!... only my sky knows me better. It was better if I would stay with him."

"That's why I always wish, tie the knot with him. (her biggest wish)" 🎀

"Mom... your wish will be fulfill soon... he accepted me as his fiancé. (happily dancing) introducing me as fiancé....Today he called me fiancé." 😄His sparkling eyes lit up more and more.

All those are listening... "really?" unbelievable asked.

Answerer bit disappointed..."don't believe ....your hilarious expression. Who am I? Prapai. showing his aura. Nothing is exist what I can't get. I am capable for everything. (look down his nose and up his chin)

Phan : we are happy because p'sky is finally accepted to live with us forever. Till today I didn't accept that the fact why did he choose you? (teasing) 🤔

Narcissist guy doesn't change..." why not??? Why no one think in this home that I am the best one. A Perfect husband material..."

All are ignoring him... like he is talking to himself...

"Huh! No one believed except my wife." He stomps his feet and walk towards his room...

Asian mother got happiest day in her life..." my blessing ...

I need jewellery, clothes, gift... Invitation cards. Oh my god! Finally prapai will settle." Tears of happiness. 🤧

Sob sobbing....

Phan : mom don't..... mom...save your tears. You are old now.

Mom: Who is old.... ? brat... who is old? I will have to live for my grandson and granddaughter...... Tomorrow I will go temple for pray, you both also will be settling for one person.

Phan is escaping from her daydreaming....  👀


     Sky opened the envelop which was put on gap of his door. Some old photos of pai with his exes. In which he was drinking with some friends. Playing with juniors. he looked so young in those photos. 19-20 year old boy.

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