The Hospital Fire

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My mom begins to grow even more suspicious about my school life. She is constantly asking about school and how I'm doing. I am starting to have a really bad feeling about this so I decided maybe I should pull Riley into it and see what she thinks. But Riley does have a very busy life, she's got soccer and softball to do and she has a very large family. It's sometimes hard to hang out with her and have her come over but it's okay. I've come to terms with that, I don't want to do sports to badly, I do want to do dance but I'm afraid McKenzie will be at the studio as she seems to appear everywhere else. There were a lot of days where I'd skip school because those 2 girls (Grace and McKenzie) would make my day miserable and I'm sure that's part of why my mom is suspicious of me, I'd go to the park or sometimes even to the hospital since it was close to home and school. I was curious, I wanted to see if it was anything like Grey Sloan. I tip toed past the desk and you would not believe who I saw in the ER, it was Grace with a injured leg, a part of me wanted to make her injury worse but another part knows better than to do that, I'm just so angry at her for lying and betraying me at the fake Friendsgiving. I saw my mom walk up to Grace and give her an antibiotic, I decided to inch a bit closer, hide behind a couple trash cans and peek so I could see what was going on. Grace kept telling my mom how pretty she was and my mom stood there in awe, she was so blind to who Grace truly was, I shedded a few tears as I watched this go down but I was done holding back, I wanted my mom to see the truth so I grabbed a thermometer and threw it right at Grace hitting her in the arm, I hid behind the trash again and my mom looked around to see who was there, she didn't see a thing. Grace was upset and bleeding from the arm, I just didn't care and didn't understand why, I just thought I was so angry at her but it felt good to throw it at her. My mom got back to examine Grace and their conversation picked back up. "I have a daughter about your age" my mom said. "Yeah, I know Ellis" Grace said "she is something for sure". "Really, I just wish she wasn't skipping school all the time, I don't know what has gotten into her" my mom said. I was fuming with anger after what I was listening to, I was ready to attack Grace, but I didn't have my chance when the fire alarm started going off, everyone started running out of the building including my mom and Grace but I couldn't go outside, I'd be in trouble so I decided I would be brave like the firemen and firewoman and try to help put out the fire. I went to go get some water from inside the Sinks of the ORS and went to go find the fire, the fire was huge and was in the OR, I realized it was an electrical fire, a very dangerous kind of fire but I wanted to be brave so I threw water at the fire and electricity started coming out of the broken equipment. I got a bit closer and was shocked on my leg from the equipment so I ran away, ran far far away from it, my right leg was throbbing from the shock and I fell down into the bathroom. Freaking out, I didn't think superheroes could get hurt, I'm no hero, I'm a villain. I hid in the empty bathrooms while the fire fighters put out the fire and they took notes of the scene which a lot of them notes were about what I had done but they didn't know I was even in the building or that I had done it. They went outside as soon as the fire was put out and I did the same except I went out through the door that no one was around and limped away. I could barely walk and it sucked, it really did. I managed to get back to the house and put some ice on it, I was lucky that I wasn't electrocuted worse but the pain wouldn't stop. I decided to call Aunt Amelia as the pain worsened and she told me that I had to tell my mom so I could be appropriately treated or else she would tell her, I told her that I would tell my mom. I didn't want to but I didn't have another choice, I mean after all, I was in a ton of pain. I decided I would lay it off for a while until my mom got home.

When my mom got home she called my name and told me to come downstairs as she wanted to talk to me alone. That was never good and I just hope she didn't know, I started to walk downstairs and as soon as I got to the bottom, I collapsed on the floor. "Ellis, Ellis" I heard my mom yell and my eyes just shut.

When I woke up, I was in an ambulance and was freaking out, I was absolutely terrified. My mom placed her hand on the top of my head. "Oh Ellis, what kind of trouble could you have gotten into this time to end up electrocuted". "I, it's a long story" I said tiredly. "Do you miss Seattle" she asked me. I looked at her and nodded. My mom looked at me with sadness on her face. "Aw honey, why didn't you tell me this, I could've helped you and even scheduled time where you and I could visit Seattle to hang out with your aunts and your old school friends" she said rubbing my stomach. "I should've, I just felt like you'd be mad at me" I said. "Mad at you"? "How could I be mad at you for that" she asked me. "I don't know, I guess I was more worried that you would be disappointed, sad and maybe even resent me because I do not like Boston" I said starting to tear up. She wiped my tears and looked at me. "Listen to me, nothing will ever make me stop loving you, your my daughter and it's okay that you don't like it here, you know It's okay here but I liked Seattle personally better myself, don't tell Zola that" she said laughing. I smiled, sat up in the stretcher and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back even tighter and before we knew it, we were at the hospital so they could examine me and my leg. It wasn't too severe, just burns and lots of swelling. The doctors gave me some aspirins and bandaged my injury so I could go home.

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