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Nick and Dalton made their way into town, the car on the other side of the washed out road.  They managed to find the gas station much quicker than your trio originally did.  They were standing outside, and Nick peered in.  There was no one inside.  

"Man, there's music playing, but I don't think anyone's here," Nick said.

"No one's here," Dalton told him.

Nick sighed, and began to walk off.

"Where are you going," Dalton asked.

"To that grocery store we passed.  I'm thirsty," Nick answered.

"Well, what about your siblings and Wade, man?"

"Maybe they're at the store."

"What?  I don't know man, I mean, we came all this way.  You don't think we should just look for 'em?"

"All right, check it.  I'm gonna go this way, alright?  You go that way.  We don't find 'em, we meet back here, go back to the road.  Cool?"


The two parted ways, and Nick went to the grocery store to get a beer.  And Dalton remembered that Wade had wanted to check out the house of Wax, so that's where he went to check. 

Little did they know, you were directly under their feet.  Bo had managed to get you into the basement, and he closed the door and locked it.  There was a chair sitting down their, with cold blue seats, and thin metal bars that worked as arms and legs.  He sat you down on it, and seemingly out of nowhere pulled out a roll of duct tape.

"Shh, just stay still," he told you.

Obviously, you were kicking and flailing around wildly.  He managed to keep a hand over your mouth as he taped your limbs down, sticking your arms to the chair's arms, and taping your legs together so you couldn't run or kick as well.

"It's a shame we have to close tha' mouth of yours," he muttered.

He quickly removed his hand, and taped your mouth shut before you could scream out for help once more.  But as if by a miracle, there was a violent banging on the door to the gas station.

"Hey," Nick called.  "I'm looking for someone!"

Bo smirked and made his was over to the door, unlocking it and making his exit.  He didn't bother relocking it, it wasn't like you were getting out.  He readjusted his hat, and grabbed some tools from off the back counter.  He made his way into the auto body shop connected to the station, lifted up the garage door, and exited the building.

"Hey, I'm looking for my siblings and the one's boyfriend.  They were looking for a fan belt or something," Nick told him.

"I don' think I've seen them," Bo replied.

"Well, this is the only gas station in town, right?"

"Tha's right."

"Yeah, then they were definitely here."

"I just told you, I didn' see 'em."

"Does somebody else work here?"

"No, I own the station, and I would'a seen them."

"Well, I was just here a few minutes ago, and you didn't see me.  You weren't even here," Nick pointed out.

"Sorry, can't help ya," Bo responded, sounding peeved.

By now, you had spotted something.  It was a little knob that you could twist to adjust how high the arms of the chair were.  And you assumed you could use this to remove the arms of the chair completely.  You had to contort your body a bit, you needed to twist the knob with your legs since Bo had taped your arms down.

What you hadn't noticed was that there was a grate.  It was in the ceiling, and lead up to the ground under Nick and Bo's feet, protected by the station's awning.  So Nick had heard the screeching of the metal, and your grunts as you twisted your body.

"What was that," Nick questioned.

"Nothin.'  That was just my dog.  Actually, ya know what?  My brother Vincent was down here fer a while, he could'a helped your family out.  They could be up at the house," Bo explained.

"No, my friend went that way earlier."

"Really?  Well, maybe he ran into my brother up there, then.  Wanna head up to the house?"

"Yeah, whatever."

You had twisted the knob enough, and freed the arm of the chair.  You ripped it from its place.  You took a deep breath through your nose, reached your free hand up to the tape over your mouth, and ripped it off as quick as possible.  It was like a painful bandaid, and you felt like you had ripped your fucking lips off in the process.  But you didn't have time to worry about that.

"So, what do your siblin's look like anyway," Bo interrogated.

"NICK!! NICK HELP ME," you screamed.

Nick quickly wheeled around and socked Bo right in the nose, and sprinted back towards the gas station.


Nick threw the garage door open, and slammed it back down, locking it.  He looked around and saw the door into the station, and ran in.  He spotted another doorway that lead to a flight of stairs, and he rushed to descend.


"(Y/N)," he shouted out.


He burst through the door and saw your free hand still taped to the one arm of the chair, and you struggling to twist the knob to the other arm.  And you were still seated weirdly from twisting the first knob with your feet.

"Thank god," he muttered.

He ran over and ripped the tape off your trapped hand, and began to rip off the the tape around your legs.  You took another deep breath, and still using the bandaid method, you ripped off the tape on your other arm.  Once you were done, you latched onto Nick like your life depended on it.  And surprisingly enough, he hugged you back.

"Jesus, okay.  I'm here, I got you," he assured you.  "Did he do this to you?"

"Where is he," you asked quickly.  "Where is he?!"

"I locked him out, it's okay."

"Carly and Wade, they went into his house, I think he got them!"

"Okay, okay.  We need to go back up now.  Grab something long, and heavy."

You nodded and looked around, eyes landing on a rusty metal pipe in the corner.  Nick grabbed a wrench that had been lying in the corner, and he made sure to keep you behind him as the two of you ascended the steps.  Knowing the big scary felon was with you and having a makeshift weapon made you feel a bit better, but you were still terrified of a potential standoff with your captor.

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