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It's late the moon fully visible and the sun has just slightly gone into hiding

You're alone and your heart is heavy your mind is searching for something good to think about but nothing good is coming up.

It's nights like this where your own vulnerability becomes your worst enemy

Self-meditating through text messages responding to his latest "I miss you".

You are unable to process the fact that these words were often used by men who were really just bored

Or men who will never put in the effort to show up.

Because no one not even him showed up his words have never matched his actions

He's often let you down

He's always the one walking away

He's always returning with nothing to bring

In search of another opportunity,

To what waste your time?

It's late out now and

The moon is fully visible to the eye

The sun has gone into hiding

And now you're all alone

But maybe it's for the best so do your heart a favour

And ignore his stupid texts

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 8Where stories live. Discover now