
917 41 35

моя любовь = My love


" Ah, speak of the devil. " The boy with red hair crossed his arms.

" If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for the orientation. "  the masked guy with a top hat says.

" You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the dark mirror, and be quick about it. i'll watch your weasel. " he stated as he held the weasel while the weasel growled.

" State thy name. " The dark mirror spoke, i was watching the girl closely.

" I'm Hirasaka Yuuka. "

" Hirasaka Yuuka.. "

" The nature of your soul is... unclear to me. " The mirror stated.

" What did you just say ? " The masked man crossed his arms.

" Interesting.. " f/n stated as she crossed her arms.

" I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate for her. "

" HER ?! " The masked man got shocked after hearing that.

" are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic that is a girl? "

" do you have any problem with that. " the girl with short hair irked.

" N-no, but that is absurd! This is an all-boys school and the student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! " The crow guy stated.

" It has now, twice even ! " I clasped my hands together.

" What are you implying on ? " The headmage looked at me and tilted his head.

" Oh, come on, you guys have heard my voice. Do you still think i'm a guy? " I smiled.

" Are you saying you're a female? " The headmage arched his brow.

" I knew the voice was a bit too high for a guy.. " The guy with lion ears muttered.

" Then why didn't you say anything! " The headmage looked at the lion guy.

" I figured you might find out later. " The lion boy then closed his eyes.

" How could this have happened? " The headmage put his finger on his chin.

The weasel then tried to break out of the rope and succeeded.

" ME! Let ME have this student's seat! " the weasel shouted.

" Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel! "

" Unlike that human, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! " The weasel bragged.

" Woah, it can talk! Dos-kun look! " I tug on fyodor's sleeve.

" Yes, i know, моя любовь." fyodor chuckled.

" Stop giving me those nicknames, Dos-kun." f/n pouted.

fyodor just smiled at me and looked at the scene.

" Look, i'll show you my spells're the cat's meow! "

" Everyone, get down ! " the red haired boy commanded.

The weasel then unleashed blue flames everywhere.

" AHHHHH! HELP! I'm on fire  over here! " the boy with red eyes screamed.

" Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze! " The headmage pointed at the weasel.

" Should i use my ability to catch it? Dos-kun. " f/n looked at fyodor.

" Go ahead. "

" Ugh. Can I go now or..? " The lion boy put his hand on his waist.

" Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel! " The handsome boy said.

" Too much effort. Do it yourself. " The lion boy lazed.

" Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley. " The boy with glasses smiled.

" If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility. " He smirked.

" WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits. " The voice from the tablet said.

" Hey, um, my butts still on fire... Could someone maybe put this out?! " The boy with red eyes struggled to put the fire out.

I made a small portal, and my hand appeared with a bucket of water in it and dumped the water on his butt.

" Thank you! to whoever that was...? " The boy with red eyes thanked.

" You're welcome! " I waved at him. the portal closing and my hand appearing on my arm again.

" I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?! " The headmage shouted at the prefects.

" *sigh* preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage. " the lion guy crossed his arms.

" How many times do I gotta say it? I'm grim spellcaster extraordinaire! I am not a weasel! " Grim said.

" Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...? "

" Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule breaking. you will be judged by my hand. " Riddle took out his pen.

" A pen..? " i tilted my head.


" Myah! Who's grabbing me?! " The weasel tried to escape from my grip.

"  I am. " i coldly looked at the weasel.

" But your far awa– MYAAH!? A PORTAL?! " Grim shrieked.


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