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Next day...

" Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This incredible ! " Grim awed.

f/n was walking with fyodor, and he noticed i didn't do my tie.

" мой сладкий голубь, why did you not bother tying your necktie. " he then grabbed my arm to stop me from walking, and he fixed my tie while he was behind. she was a bit shocked on how he did that.

" That's an interesting question, Fedya! Why did i not bother to tie my necktie? " she asked him in a joyful tone.

" Kolen'ka. " he looked at me.

" Sorry. " i stuck my tongue out.

they then heard flames burst again and figured it was the talking weasel again.

" i think we should take a look at it. Don't you think fedya? " she sweatdropped at the sound of someone getting startled.

" Whatever you wish to do. " fyodor crossed his arms.

we walked to the scene to see what was happening.

" No one makes fun of grim, master of fire! im gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode again! " grim smirked.

" Explodey-head?! " A ginger-ish red head boy said.

she then used her ability to poke the guy to get his attention.

" GAH! What was that?! " The guy jumped from the sudden poke at his back.

" Boo! " she said and then made a clawing expression with my hand. ( i think u guys know what i mean.. )

" GAH!? "

The weasel then took the opportunity to attack, but the guy used his wind magic to dodge it.

" All it takes is a little wind, and i can easily dodge it," the guy smirked, acting like he didn't get scared by f/n

" Woah, is that a fight? " A heartslabyul student said.


" wind magic is a thing too? " yuuka stated as she stepped back. f/n kept a close eye on her in case she does something dumb. she doesn't know why.

" Aww.. can't hit me with your little fireballs? " the dude taunted.

Grim then growled and attacked him once more. The guy dodged it, but then a statue got charred. it was a statue that had a lady curtsying with a heart shaped wand.

" Oh boy. " I muttered.

" We should go, дорогой. we don't wanna get caught. " fyodor then grabbed my hand to walk away.

" Alright ! "  she giggled.

as they walked away we heard the headmaster scream.

" WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? CEASE THIS AT ONCE! " the headmaster demanded.

" Oh no! the headmage! "


f/n and fyodor were finally familiar with the place. They were walking until they stumbled upon the cafeteria.

" I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleanin'. i can't believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows! " grim complained as he tapped his paws in impatience.

" We just gotta suck it up and do it. " yuuka wiped her sweat.

" What's buggin' me is, Ace ain't even here yet! to make us wait, after what he did... grrr! " grim stomped his foot.

f/n and fyodor were just looking at them.

" Hey!! perhaps you need some help! " i waved at the two.

Fyodor was just adjusting his ushanka due to f/n messing with it while walking with her and holding hands (YES IM MAKING THEM LOVEY DOVEY.)

" Ah! well.. thank you, but we wouldn't wanna bother you.. " yuuka politely bowed.

" Quiz time! Who was the person who decided not to show up for cleaning time? " f/n asked quizzically. She knew that the boy called ' Ace ' had ditched them.

the two cleaners went silent as they thought about it.

" It's Ace! " The two shouted.

" That's right!! " I did a twirl and bowed.

" Aint no way am i doin' his punishment for him! " grim stomped his foot.

" C'mon, Yuuka. i dont care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin' hes washing those windows ! "

" Ah, uhm, alright.. " Yuuka sweatdropped.

" Fedya, you go ahead. i have to accompany these two ! " She smiled as she fixed her coat.

" No, no. I might aswell accompany them with you. " Fyodor then glared at the talking weasel.

The weasel then jumped as he went behind Yuuka's back.

Timeskip again

" Yeah, right, like im gonna wash a hundred windows. im just gonna go back and–– " ace got cut off by grim's shout.


" Oh no! they saw me! and they're with.. THE DIASOMNIA SENPAIS!? "

SHE just smiled at him mischievously, looking at Ace's eyes. Ace then shuddered in fear.

f/n was spacing out, fyodor noticed this and put his hand on her shoulder.

" BWAAAH?! WHA?! A POT?! " Ace got crushed by a pot.

Grim was just laughing at him, fyodor looked at f/n's eyes. (dang not them being lovey dovey while theres chaos happening)

f/n looked at fyodor's eyes back. f/n then smiled at flicked his forehead. " Dos-kun, were you worried for me? " She giggled.

Fyodor just looked away.


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