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" OFF WITH YOUR HEAD ! " Riddle used his magic.

" MYAH?! What are you doing?! " The weasel struggled to take the collar off.

" The Queen of Hearts's Rule 23: ' One must never bring a cat to a formal affair. ' " Riddle spoke.

" Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately. "

" But i ain't a cat either! "

Don't you try'n collar me! i'll burn it right off! Huh...? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin' ! "  grim sweatdropped.

" Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now. " Riddle smirked.

" MeoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING! "

" Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. "

" The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus. "

" Ha-Ha! Good show as always, Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic. Its quite handy. Also, yours. What was it again? Ah! f/n. "

" I've just got to have it— ah, I mean, i've just got to have respect for it. " Azul stuttered.

" Sure... i think he wants my ability. " i whispered to fyodor.

fyodor just hummed and kept a close eye on azul.

" Yuuka! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar? "

" Now discipline your—"

" It's not mine, JESUS CHRIST! " yuuka backlashed.

" O-oh sorry. " Yuuka apologized.

" Oh... Is that so? " he then coughed and stated," Then i shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. "

" My, but i am KIND. ... Someone, please take this weasel away, please. "



" What was his name again..? " f/n tilted her head.

fyodor chuckled as he looked at f/n.

" I feel kinda sorry for him. "

" Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. " The headmage declared.

" Does that mean i get to get out of this outfit? " I joyfully asked, but everyone except fyodor ignored me.

" Not yet. " He put his hand on my head.

" Aw. "

" Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms. "

I grabbed fyodor's arm and walked to the headmage.

" Headmage, just one question.. "

" Ah? Yes, what is it Ms. f/n. " The headmage turned to us.

" I was wondering, would we be considered as 1st years considering we're 18..? " i smiled at the headmage.

" этот главный маг раздражает. " Fyodor muttered.

" I agree, Dos-kun.. " i muttered to him back.

" Well, no. you'd be considered as 3rd years. Wait.. Come to think of it, I dont see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere. "

' This headmage forgot to invite my Housewarden. ' I thought.

" And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse. " the lion boy groggily said, wanting to sleep.

" Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him? "

" If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself. " the handsome boy stated.

" Maybe, but I don't know him too well either.. "

and then people were whispering to eachother.

" Ah. just i'd expected. " a boy with a deep voice said.

" i figured I'd come down and see for myself whether malleus had made an appearance. " he disappointedly looked at the housewardens.

" But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony. " he crossed his arms.

" You have my sincerest apologies. i assure you this oversight was in no way intended as a snub. " azul apologized.

" i mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with. "

" No matter. All who were assigned to house diasomnia follow me. i just hope he doesn't sulk about this... "


" You were assigned to diasomnia too? " f/n asked fyodor as he nodded.

" I think that might be the housewarden over there.. " she pointed at the tall guy with horns, who was sulking that the invitation never arrived.

" I should go to my room now. goodbye dearest f/n " fyodor sweetly smiled at f/n.

" Alright, bye fedya! " She giggled.


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