Top Gun, 1986.

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Carole Bradshaw walked down the steps of the airplane in front of the two children, who had their hands clutched together, so they wouldn't lose each other.

As they walked across the tarmac, Carole kept an eye on the two toddlers until she saw her husband and his best friend walking towards them.

"Hi!" She squealed throwing her arms around her husband's neck and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Daddy!" The little girl shouted as she let go of her best friend's hand and ran towards the brunette man.

"Hey, baby." He replied as he lifted her into his arms.

Pete Mitchell watched his best friend, Nick Bradshaw, kiss his wife and his son before embracing the little boy in his arms.

Pete walked out with both of the kids in his arms while Nick carried the suitcase.

"So, Maverick, Goose tells me you're in love with one of your instructors." Carole said as they stopped outside the door of the airport.

"Is that right?" Maverick asked as he looked to his friend and RIO before walking away towards the car.

"I didn't tell her that." Goose called after his friend.

"Yes, you did." Carole said as she turned to her husband.

The little girl giggled as she watched her best friend's parents talk before following after them.

After dropping Carole and the kids off where they were staying Maverick and Goose went back to training.

The next day, they were all sat in the bar watching Goose play the piano with the two children sitting on top of it.

Both children adorning cowboy hats as they giggled at the man and sang along with him.

"Maverick, would you go fetch him? Doesn't he ever embarrass you?" Carole asked as she sat there with Maverick's arm slung over her shoulder.

"Goose? Hell, no. Well, there was the time..." He started before Carole interrupted.

"Admiral's daughter." She said, jokingly elbowing his chest.

"What?" Maverick asked the woman as he turned his head to look at her.

"Come on. He told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin." Carole giggled.

"Did he? Well, that's great." Maverick said unenthusiastically.

"He tells me about all of them, Maverick. How my little angel, Goose, goes home early for church, and you, you always go home with the hot women. Leaving poor little Olivia with her Aunt Carole." She joked.

"All right, thank you, Carole. I'm gonna go embarrass myself with Goose for a while." Maverick said before getting up from his seat and walking over to his friend and his daughter.

"I would love to be able to warn you off about Maverick, but I just love him and Olivia to death. You know, I've known Pete for a lot of years now, and... I'm telling you one things for certain. There are hearts breaking wide open all over the world tonight." Carole told the blonde woman sat next to her.

"Why?" Charlie asked her new friend.

"Because unless you are a fool, that boy is off the market. He is 100 percent, prime time in love with you. He has only ever looked at two other people, the way he looks at you." Carole told her.

"Who are they?" Charlie asked.

"Olivia, that sweet little angel. And her mother, god bless her soul." Carole told the woman.

"What happened to Olivia's mother?" Charlie asked as they both looked at Pete playing with the little girl.

"She died giving birth to Olivia. Broke Pete's heart but he has done his best to be there for the little angel." Carole said.

"I didn't know." Charlie said as she glanced back at the woman.

"He doesn't talk about it. Trust me, if he didn't love you, he wouldn't have let you meet Olivia." Carole said before calling out to her Husband, "Hey, Goose, you big stud!"

"That's me, honey!" Goose called back as he continued to play the piano.

"Take me bed or lose me forever." Carole called out.

"Show me the way home, honey." Goose replied as he glanced back to her.

"Come on, Bradley, Olivia, sing with the family." Goose told the kids as Charlie and Carole joined them at the piano.

The six of them sang and joked, not knowing that there worlds were going to come crashing down soon after.

The next training session that Maverick and Goose attended shattered the family when Goose was killed while having to eject from the aircraft.

Olivia and Bradley were curled up on a chair at the front of the room, reading a magazine quietly, while Carole sat behind them crying to herself over the loss of her husband.

She looked up when Maverick walked in and over to her with a box in his hands.

"God, he lover flying with you, Maverick." She told him, the silent tears rolling down her face.

She stood from her seat and hugged him, once they separated, she said, "But he'd have flown anyway without you. He'd have hated it, but he would've done it."

Pete was left in the room with Bradley and Olivia while Carole went outside.

He placed the box down on the table and moved to his daughter and Goose's son, Pressing a kiss to both of their heads before leaving the room.

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