Wedding Ready.

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Once back on dry land and they had been debriefed on the successful mission, Bradley and Olivia went home. The plan was for them all to meet on the beach later that day for drinks and a victory party. As soon as they walked through the door, Bradley had her pulled into his chest and was leaving fervent yet sensual kisses along her jaw and neck. Olivia tangled her fingers into his curls and tugged at his hair until he pressed their lips together in a slow passionate kiss. He moved them through the house not breaking the make out session they were currently in the midst of. Upon reaching the bedroom he pulled the zipper of her flight suit down and pushed the thick material off her arms and down past her hips as she toed off her boots. "I love you, Liv. I'm never gonna leave you again." He breathed out as she did the same with his flight suit after he kicked off his boots. They both stood in the middle of their bedroom wearing only a t-shirt each and their underwear. Olivia pulled him back to her and kissed him sweetly before stepping back and pulling the black shirt over her head while he did the same. It didn't take long for them to be pulling off the rest of the material adorning their bodies as they lay down on the bed. Bradley settled between her tanned legs as he pumped into her slowly. Their soft moans filled the room as they made love to one another. Once they both came down from their post sex bliss, they were lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms when a knock sounded from the door. They both climbed out of bed, Bradley only pulling on a pair of sweatpants while Olivia pulled on her panties and one of his t-shirts before they headed through the house. Bradley opened the door to reveal Maverick standing there, looking between the two adults. Olivia said nothing as she walked back to the bedroom to pull on some pants while Bradley let the man in. "Sorry. We weren't expecting anyone." Bradley stated as he lead his fiancé's father into the kitchen. "I should have called first to be fair." Maverick stated. Bradley handed him a beer from the fridge once he had sat on a stool on the other side of the island before grabbing one for himself as Olivia walked into the room and handed him a shirt. "What can we do for you, dad?" she asked as she poured some juice into a glass before taking a sip. "How do you know I want something?" Pete chuckled. "You have that look on your face. The one that screams 'I need advice but I don't know what to say' I'm gonna guess and say it has something to do with Penny Benjamin." Olivia stated as she looked at the man. "Your good, kid. She went on a sailing trip with Amelia and I don't know when they are going to be back." Pete told them. "Just give her time. She spent years of you leaving her then coming back. Maybe she just needs to figure some things out in her head. She isn't only thinking about herself right now, she has to think about Amelia and what's in her best interest as well." Olivia explained. "She is however letting us use the Hard Deck for the wedding since we moved it up." Bradley stated. "Yeah. Now all I need to do is find someone to walk me down the aisle, now that Uncle Ice is gone." Olivia said solemnly. Bradley looked to the woman before nodding his head towards her father. "Dad?" She asked to gain his attention away from the beer bottle. Maverick looked up to the young woman as she moved to lean against the counter in front of him with Bradley right beside her, his arm around her waist, hand resting on her hip. "Will you walk me down the aisle, tomorrow?" She asked softly. "Livvy, it would be an absolute honour to walk you down the aisle." Maverick told her as he stood from his seat and moved to embrace the couple in a hug before he left for the night. That night they were all on the beach in front of the Hard Deck with their significant others. Phoenix offered Olivia a beer from the cooler, looking at the girl confused when she declined the alcoholic beverage. "Since when did you turn down free beer, Ghost?" Coyote asked. "It's not that she doesn't want to." Jake stated from beside her and Bradley. Olivia was sat in his lap, his hand splayed across her abdomen. "She can't. She is driving home" Bradley told the group. "This is sort of a joint bachelor and bachelorette party. We are getting married tomorrow." Olivia stated to the group. "Yeah, sorry Rooster but you're bunking with me until tomorrow." Jake chuckled as he slapped a hand on the man's shoulder while getting up from the sand. "But we haven't got our dresses or flowers or anything." Natasha panicked. "Penny sorted it all out before she went on her trip." Olivia told the girl immediately calming the panicking Maid of honour. The night was filled with laughter and stories from their pasts before they called it a night. Bradley had Olivia pressed against his Bronco while he kissed her until he was pulled away from the woman by her friend. "Alright, lovebirds, you will see each other tomorrow." Jake stated as he dragged Bradley away from the woman. Olivia laughed as she climbed into the Bronco with Phoenix in the passenger seat. She drove to their house and parked up. Natasha was the first out of the car and into the house after she grabbed the dresses from the back seat.

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