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The little cozy dip in the earth was a familiar comfort , one that you could trust , one that never gave you nightmares. Despite the comfort it gave you , you were unable to fall asleep again , the scars on your cores back were hurting , stinging almost as badly as when you first got them. You watched the sunrise , debating whether or not to go and find Deku but that would interrupt his training too much. This whole situation was confusing , staying with someone who doesn't remember you ,and currently hates you , training along people who can hardly use their power while you use yours too well. It was chaos. A tired voice startled you out of your thoughts , this seemed to be a recurring event.

"Hey , I thought you were supposed to be at Bakugou's?" It was Aizawa he would look irritated if he wasn't tired.

"I was until about three AM , I had a night terror so I left to clear my head. I hope that's okay..."

"As long as you go back after today , class will be starting shortly , I suggest you not be late again." You hadn't noticed but it was indeed almost time for class , your rolling torrent of thoughts obscured your perception of time. The thoughts even made your internal monolog use bigger words at times , weird.

When you arrived everyone was chatting and going about their normal routines , that was until you noticed a bunch of the ladies were grilling Bakugou with questions.

"Shortstack! Tell these idiots that you're fine!" They turned around and surrounded you , each of them asking questions at rapid fire pace. The sheer amount of questions was too many for you to even comprehend , let alone answer.

"Everyone take your seats please , Mr.Aizawa should be here any moment!" That proper looking guy was right , as soon as he finished speaking Aizawa showed up. With all of you now seated , most of you were quieted down , a few people were whispering still.

"Anyway as you know today we'll being doing a training exercise where you'll be in pairs against each other , All Might will be conducting this class later on but for now your prototype costumes are ready." A slight hissing sound filled the room as suitcases emerged from slots in the wall. You didn't have a costume but you still got a suitcase that Mr.Aizawa had behind the podium.

"Please find a changing room then report to the simulation area , where All might should already be , if he's not , find me." That last line sounded a little ominous.

The doors to the simulation area slowly opened , some students were still getting their costumes on , when Deku walked out you couldn't help yourself.

"Deku , are you open to constructive criticism?"

"I wouldn't say no , but my mom made me this so I told her I would wear it , a way to repay her for all she did for me." Well now what , you couldn't say anything bad about it now! Luckily for you Bakugou came outside around the same time.

"I don't want to hear a single word out of any of you!" He said 'any of you' but kept a steady gaze on you and Deku. His outfit wasn't entirely bad , just the grenades , they serve purpose but that purpose isn't to look good.

There wasn't much you could do past this point except sit back and watch everyone do their thing , you were going up against whoever was capable in the very end. Or whoever volunteered , like you had to guess who that would be.

"Young Y/n if it's okay i'd like to speak to you in private for a moment." Tal- All might broke a tense silence with said request , it made all the others curious , which made you nervous. You followed him into the nearby hall.

"I'm aware of your situation now that Nezu has enlightened me. I apologize for making you hit me." His noble tone didn't fit the style of words coming from his mouth.

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