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It all came back to you , one of the first homeless groups that helped you had other children staying with them. A boy with white hair tried to protect you , even though it wasn't necessary , you told him that over and over but he kept trying. He was a few years older than you , taller of course , and didn't talk much. You only learned his name by asking the older adults , it was Toya , they didn't know where he came from or why he was homeless , a lot of times no one asked for your story because it didn't matter anymore. The few times you saw him use his quirk he got horribly injured , not in the sense of broken bones , moreover burns. One time he had tried to scare away a group of thugs that were stealing from the community , he burned himself to the point he couldn't move , he laid on the ground convulsing. The thugs were going to kill him , you had to do what was right but this was a time when you didn't know how powerful you were. Those thugs lost their lives that night , Toya had gone too far like that before , all you could do was protect him until he stopped shaking , moving him would make him worse. For one of the first times you used your wings as a makeshift shelter , you hoped when he awoke he wouldn't see the remains of what used to be humans.

An adult from the community found you covering him , and found the limbs & pieces in front of you , they reprimanded you , telling you that you had doomed the community. That was the first targets placed on your back so to speak , they knew that whoever killed their comrades was in that group , they knew it wasn't Toya or anyone else for that matter , only you. By the time you decided to leave he had not woken up yet , you told the adults what to tell him , and to let him know you were thankful for everything he had done. Neither of you ever spoke of your pasts , he had seen your scars , you had seen his , neither of you cared how they got there , you just wanted to make sure you both didn't get any more.


"Dabi now." It was common for homeless folk to change their names but this sounded a bit off.

"You've changed a lot since then haven't you?" He looked around for a moment.

"Let's go somewhere private , it's too bright here." For an alley it actually was pretty bright , it was hard to trust him now but that nostalgic warmth clouded your judgement.


He lead you to a run down apartment , by run down you mean falling apart , walls were crumbling , furniture torn to shreds but surprisingly the electricity worked. A few busted lights provided a dim glow , enough to get around but that's it really.

"Have your standards changed?"

"No , i'm glad you have somewhere this insulated even if its worn down." You had seen too many people die from the cold before. Sitting at what was left of a kitchen table you waited for T- Dabi to pull up a chair.

"To answer your question , I have changed since you last saw me." He pulled down his hoodie and mask. You should've been shocked but you had seen worse. His once white hair was now scorched black , burnt skin was stapled together with healthy skin. His eyes were less lively , any hint of innocence was gone , any hint of the boy he used to be.

"I- I'm sorry. If I didn't leave...You might not have turned out like this..."

"Like what exactly?" He knew what you meant but wanted to hear you say it.

"You might not have hurt yourself like this , or became a villain , but at the same time I don't think I would have been strong enough to extinguish your rage...I might have turned into a villain with you instead..." He sat in the dim light , listening.

"You never told me who it was you were mad at , I never asked. I can guess it was a family member but I don't want to assume..."

"And you never told me how you got so strong , physically anyway." That stung , he knew it stung , where was the boy you knew? What happened when you left him? Your thoughts were beginning to swirl together , your cat form was aching to be withdrawn , he had seen your core ages ago but you'd be vulnerable.

Ticking Time Bomb (BakugouxReader)Where stories live. Discover now