Chapter Four: Bad Dreams

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Skye's POV: Still Thursday night

I closed my eyes before walking through the portal, because I didn't know what to expect. Stepping through the portal, I could tell that I was standing on soft, uneven ground. Sand? Then I heard waves crashing. Am I on the beach? "You can open your eyes," Rose said, squeezing my hand. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in fact on a beach. The moon was up high in the night sky, reflecting beautifully off the ocean. I looked to my right and saw a small light brown beach house. "Come on dear," Rose guided me to the house.

We walked on to the front porch and Rose knocked on the door. Just a moment later, a pretty and kind looking lady opened the door. She's about 5'5, has long black curly hair and dark brown eyes. I swear her smooth chocolate skin was glowing in the moonlight. She seemed a bit surprised to see us at her door. "Rose! What are you doing here?" She asked, hugging Rose. "We ran into some trouble and I needed to bring her somewhere safe," Rose said, pulling away. I'm assuming that this is Beth.

Beth looked at Rose concerned, then looked at me and smiled. "So this is the Queen's ma-" Rose cleared her throat and gave Beth a look. The kinda look that says 'don't say that'. Was she going to say 'mate'? Like what the boys were saying? Well, they won't be able to say much else. One's missing his heart, and the other is missing his head..literally. I looked down at my arm where the guy bit me. The bite marks are completely gone now, but the bruises are still very much there. "Well, my name is Beth," she said with a kind smile. "I'm Skye," I said shyly. Beth looked down at my arm, frowning at the bruises. "It looks like you've had a rough night. Come in, Zach just made some pasta and sauce," Beth said, stepping to the side to let us in. I followed Rose into the house and to the dining room.

I see a man sitting at the table eating. He stood up when he saw Rose and I. He looked to be around 5'9 and he has white hair, including his eyelashes and eyebrows, and he has pale blue eyes. I think it's called poliosis, I could be wrong. But he is a very beautiful man. "Zach, as you can see, we have very special guest," Beth smiled. "Rose," Zach bowed his head. "There's no need for that. I'm not the Queen anymore," Rose chuckled lightly. "I will always bow to the rightful Queen," He stated. "Zach, this is Skye. She's Rose's...friend," Beth gave him a certain look that I couldn't read. "Oh, it's nice to meet you. I just made some pasta and sauce, want some?" Zach offered. I haven't eaten since this morning, so I probably should. I nodded my head shyly.

"Great, go ahead and take a seat. I'll get you a bowl," Zach smiled and pointed to the table. After sitting down, Zach came back with a bowl of pasta and sauce. "Thank you," I said, taking the bowl from him. "No problem," he took a seat next to me. "Skye? Beth and I will just be over in the next room okay?" Rose held my shoulder. "Okay," I replied. Rose smiled and walked off with Beth. Digging into my food, I started wondering if I was the only human here right now. I know Beth is also a vampire. Her fangs were slightly poking out earlier.

"Just so you don't feel alone, you're not the only human in a weird situation with vampires," Zach said. It was as if he had read my mind. "You're human too?" I asked. He nodded his head. I sighed slightly relieved. "So can I ask how you got into your situation?" I asked him. "Well, I'm mated to Beth actually," He replied. Yet again this mate thing came up. "I keep hearing about this whole 'mate' thing. So far from what I've heard, it's like the stories people write about. But what exactly are 'mates'?" I questioned. Zach paused for a moment. "I'm not allowed to talk to you about it right now, but I can tell you tomorrow maybe. I can show you my favorite spot on the beach,"

Why couldn't he tell me right now? "Okay," I decided to leave that alone for now. I'm sure I'll get my answer sooner or later. "Can I ask about the bruises on your arm?" Zach asked concerned. I told him about being kidnapped and brought to the abandoned school. Then being bitten, Rose ripping the guy's heart out, being bitten again, Rose ripping that guy's head off, Rose healing the bites, and then how we got here. "Damn, sorry you had to go through that, and to witness Rose in that way. She can be scary when she's pushed to be," Zach said, finishing his food. I soon finished mine as well.

Rose and Beth came back with a serious look on their faces. What were they talking about? "I found you some clothes that you can wear for tonight. Rose will take you shopping tomorrow to get you some of your own clothes and whatever else you may need. You guys may be here a while. And you can use the spare bedroom," Beth pointed down the hallway and handed me a white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. "Thank you," I said, taking the clothes. "Of course. Zach and I will clean up here. So you can just go to bed if you'd like, it's pretty late now," Beth said as she cleared the table. Zach had already started washing the dishes. " was nice meeting you guys," I said, making my way down the hallway and into the spare bedroom.

20 minutes later;

*Knock knock*

"Skye?" I heard Rose on the other side of the door. "Come in," I sat in the middle of the bed. She opened the door, and filled the room with her warm vanilla scent. It made me relax a little. "Just checking up on you, do you need anything?" She asked, still standing in the doorway. I shook my head no. "Okay well, I'll be sleeping on the couch if you need anything. The living room is right across from here, goodnight."

"Goodnight," I whispered. She closed the door, taking her scent with her. It's weird, when she's around I feel warm and cozy, and when she isn't it gets slightly colder. Weird..

In Skye's Dream;

Before I could react, the man was now in front of me, holding my wrist to his mouth. "I'm sure the Queen wouldn't mind if I had a taste," he said as he dug his fangs into my wrist. My eyes widened with fear. I could feel my blood being sucked out of my body. This is actually happening! It's not a dream! It's fucking real! A vampire is drinking my blood!...

"I can smell Rose's scent all over her!" he said as he grabbed the back of my neck, sniffing me even closer...

"You hurt my mate?!" She said, now showing her fangs. So she is one of them...

She ran towards him. Plunging her hand into his chest and ripping his heart out. As she did so, the man who bit me before, grabbed my forearm and bit me again. Except his grip was 10 times worse along with his bite. I could feel the blood being sucked out of my body again. "AAHH," I cried out...

End of Dream;

"AAHH!!" I jolted up crying. I looked at my arm and rubbed where the bite marks were. Rose came running into the room. "What's wrong?!" I just kept crying and holding my arm. Rose sat next to me in the bed. "It was just a bad dream," Rose started rubbing circles on my back. Without thinking, I pushed myself into her side. Crying into her shoulder. She paused for a moment, then held me tighter. "Sshh, it's okay. You're okay, I'm here," She whispered in my ear. A few minutes later I calmed down. "Are you okay?" She asked slightly, pulling away. I nodded my head.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I nodded again. "Okay," she went to get out of the bed, but I stopped her. "Ca-can you stay with me? In case I have another nightmare?" I pleaded. She gave me a warm smile, "Of course I will princess." She got back into the bed with me. We layed down and I rested my head on her chest. I unconsciously grabbed her shirt, not wanting her to leave. "Sweet dreams," she said as she held me tighter. Surrounded by her scent, and feeling safe in her arms..I soon fell back asleep. 


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published.

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