Chapter Fourteen: The Rebels

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Author's Note: This takes place before Skye wakes up from being knocked out by Anna.

Rose's POV;

It feels weird to be home. I always thought that if I ever returned, it would be with Skye by my side. It's been just over a day now. I wish I didn't have to leave her with Beth and Zach. But it was too much of a risk to bring her here right now. A risk I'm not willing to take, no matter how much she begged me. I just can't wait to have her back in my arms. But I can't focus on her right now, I need to focus on the task at hand. I've been walking through a village in the shadows. Surprisingly, there aren't as many rebels as I was hoping.

I walked up to the side of a house, scanning the area. Across the road was a young girl, no older than 80 or so. She is what we call a teenager. She was sitting on her front porch with her father. I looked down at her hand and saw a blue ring. I looked at her father's hand and noticed that he wasn't wearing one. The girl looked at me a few times, but didn't do anything. Maybe she doesn't know what the ring actually stands for. And she just has it because she thinks it's pretty. Soon the girl's father got up and walked to a neighbor's house. And as soon as he was gone, the girl looked directly at me.

"Queen Rose?" She signed. "Yes," I smiled kindly. The girl went to bow, "Do not bow at this time. I wish to not get caught," I stopped her. "Right. My apologies your majesty,"

"I was told that there is a cabin. Do you know of it and where it is?"

"Yes, it's where all us rebels meet. It's just north of here, straight through the woods, and it sits at the bottom of the mountain," She signed, pointing at the tree line behind me. "Care to guide me there?"

"I wish I could, but my father will notice my disappearance. He's not a rebel,"

"I noticed. I trust that you won't speak a word of my arrival then?"

"Of course your majesty. I would never,"

"Good. I best be on my way then,"

"It was nice meeting you Queen Rose,"

I smiled and nodded my head before heading into the woods. I could see the top of the mountain, and it was a little ways away. But using my speed, it shouldn't take me long to get there.

45 minutes later,

I walked into an opening and saw the cabin. It didn't look like anyone was here. I carefully walked up to the cabin and entered. It was dead silent. Nothing but dusty furniture. I went to take another look outside, thinking I had missed something. Until something under the couch caught my eye. I moved the couch over and saw a trap door. Opening it slowly, I saw a long staircase, taken over by darkness. I adjusted my eyes and saw a door at the bottom of the staircase. There was a light peeking from underneath the door.

I made my way down the stairs, making sure to close the trap door behind me. I went to open the door, but it was locked. Without a second thought, I kicked the door open. I could now see a huge brightly lit room filled with rebels. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me blankly. They couldn't see who I was because I still had my hood on. I unmasked my scent and removed my hood. Everyone instantly gasped and bowed. "Your majesty! We're glad you've returned," A man said happily. "We have much to talk about," I stated.

"Please, let us show you your temporary throne," The man said pointing to the head of the room. It wasn't much. Just a chair on a stage, but I found it sweet. "Thank you, " I said, sitting on my make-shift throne. "I will start by saying that my sister Anna has done some terrible things, as we all know. She has killed our own innocent kind all because she sees them as weak. She is trying to have a strong army to take over the humans, our food source. Although some think that having control of our food source is a great idea, it isn't. If we have free range on the humans, within months they will be killed off. Then we wouldn't have food. I can not let that happen," I explained.

Now it's time to tell them what I've been doing, and to tell them that my mate is human. Here goes nothing. "However I might not be seen as any better than my sister," I started. I adjusted my posture, sitting up straighter. "As you all know, there have been hundreds of deaths within the past three months. Three months ago, I found my mate while hunting," I was watching their expressions carefully. No one seemed surprised, and it looked like they already knew what I was going to say. "That's when I left the throne, I needed to watch her and I needed to make sure that she was actually mine. While watching her, I had to protect her...from all of them. She needs protection because," I paused for a moment. "She's human and her blood is rare and intoxicating," I explained. I scanned the crowd, and thankfully no one seemed shocked in a negative way, yet. "I am the one who killed them," I sighed, waiting to be hated.

"We know, and we don't see you as any less your majesty," A woman reassured. "What? Why not? My mate is a human and i killed hundreds of our own kind, just like Anna,"

"Well for one, some of us were able to pick up your scent on the bodies, along with your mate's. Alex recognized her scent, and told us who she was. We understand the mate bond, and everyone you killed was with Anna. so in other words, they deserved what they got," The woman explained. This calmed my nerves a bit. Knowing how they feel about this whole thing. "Well, now that I know about how you guys feel about everything. We will train hard and take my throne back. Then I will bring home my mate. And speaking of Alex, where is he?" I asked. I haven't seen his face since I've been here. "He's um, chained up in the castle dungeon. And I just got word that your uh," A man from the back dragged. "My mate what," I demanded. "Um she's with him,"

My heart dropped. How did Anna get her? I left her with Beth. Without hesitation, I ran outside and started running to the castle.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I update every other day, and I already have chapters just waiting to be published.

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