(1) After the audio

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TW: suicide baiting, suicidal thoughts, bullying, mentions of violence, and probably more that I forgot about

It went just as Zoey had expected in the beginning. It had been a couple of weeks since Drew dumped her and she leaked the audio to the whole school.

She got her revenge, Jake was humiliated and bullied. Sometimes He was even beat up and pushed into lockers. It was a little bit worse than Middle School. And she was fine with that, he had ratted her out, so she ratted him out.


Jake was horrified when he first found out that the audio had been leaked, he was scared that it was going to be just like middle school again. He woke up to more text messages than he had ever seen directed to him. 90% of which were hating on him, and couple of them were suicide baiting him.

He didn't know how he was going to keep it from Milo, but he knew he had to... somehow. He didn't want his little brother to worry about him.

The first few days were hell on Earth. So many people were throwing things at him and multiple people hit him. Hell someone even pushed him down the stairs. Thank goodness he'd brought his own lunch for once, hungry people are more violent than people who just ate. A lot of people were yelling at him, and one person went as far as to vandalize his locker.

It said Fucking Freak! In thick red lines.

He didn't dare walk near the music room, considering Zander would probably beat him up, or yell at him again.


Maya absolutely hated Jake Sterling, even before the audio had been leaked. He was a freak, and a bully. So why had the music club even let him in. She didn't see any talent in him.

When she saw the leaked audio of him trash talking the music club. She laughed, because she knew that he was still a bully, and now she could get away with hurting him.

She immediately sent him a text message .

Good job Jake Sterling. Now everyone hates you. Go do the world a favor and kill your self. You're taking up oxygen that dying children could use more than you. :) <3

It was very clear that she hated him.She went to bed and had a really sweet dream.

A few days after she sent that message, she woke up and got ready for school. She put her hair in a ponytail and picked up her pocket knife that she always brought to school. She had told everyone and everyone knew that she brought it for safety reasons. And they let her, because people who are paranoid are always scared that something might happen to them.

Her family was also rich so that might have played a little bit in the school allowing her to bring a pocket knife to school.

She put on her gray hoodie that she always wore, and a pair of military style camo pants. She picked up her phone, and decided to text Jake a little warning.

Hey Jakey! Be careful of the stairs today. You wouldn't want to bash your head on the ground if you slipped! <3

When she eventually got to school, she assumed that she would see Jake trying to apologize to his little group of bullies, but he was nowhere to be seen and the green haired brat was crying. She never bothered to learn their names, because why would you learn the names of bullies. Would you do it so you'd kill them and know who you killed? No you already know what they look like so knowing their names would be practically useless.

She needed to get the thought of murder off her mind, because she wouldn't want to accidentally kill Jake on school premises. Of course not, that would bring her family shame.

The phone vibrated and she unlocked it to find out that Jake had sent her a text message. She clicked it.

Thank you, but I would rather die right now. So kill me if you want, no one needs to-

She couldn't fully read it, because right after she got a glance at it, it disappeared. She assumed he deleted it. She wrote back.

Aw, thank you. If you really want to do that, let's meet up at the park near Hayley and Zander's house in two weeks! <3

She clicked send, and slipped her phone back in her pocket. If you were looking from a small distance, you'd think she was talking to her boyfriend, or something like that.


Jake was hiding behind the school, so he decided to open his phone, and check the most recent message that was sent to him. It was Maya, the girl who hated him more than Zander. Well, even before the audio was leaked she hated him.

It made him slightly happier than he thought it would. It made him think of how real friends talk to each other.

Hey Jakey! Be careful of the stairs today. You wouldn't want to bash your head on the ground if you slipped! <3

Without thinking he started typing a message, that could count as a vent, but he didn't really care. He was done, it was long but he still sent it.

Thank you, but I would rather die right now. So kill me if you want, no one needs to find my body. With all the bullying going on I just want to die, please let me die or kill me. Push me off the roof push me into the stairs push me into the locker so I pass out and die. Do anything I just want to die I don't want to be alive but I don't want to kill myself.

After a couple seconds he realized that it was probably too much to send to someone who hates him. And why would she care about some stupid vent that he made to her. So he unsent it. He was glad he did. He shut off his phone, and then after a few more seconds he got another message.

Aw, thank you. If you really want to do that, let's meet up at the park near Hayley and Zander'sp house in two weeks! <3

"Great, in two weeks she's going to kill me." He sighed, he was disappointed that he had to go through two weeks of this torture, before he could die. "Well, at least I get some time to really think through this."


It was the bell, that ment he had to go to first period, great. He got up and dusted himself off, then he went to first period.


Maya had first period with Milly, the pink headed rowdy girl who plays the guitar.

"Hey Milly!" She waved to Milly, and she came over to sit next to Maya. "So did you hear about Jake's locker? Apparently someone wrote the words "Fucking Freak" on it."

"Oh... I didn't think they'd go that far, just to bully him." Milly looked mad, even if she didn't regret slapping him one bit.

"You two in the back! Zip-it!" The teacher practically yelled at them.


The lunch bell had just rung, and Jake was hurrying up the stairs so he could get to the roof quicker. Then someone pushed him, and he fell backwards, he couldn't see who it was before his head hit the corner of the stairs and he passed out.

Words: 1242

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