(4) The third call

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TW: mentions of murder, mentions of violence, violence, panic attacks, mentions of suicide, cussing, rushed

Maya knew that someone was probably following her up to the roof, but she didn't really care who it was.

She just wanted to talk to Jake about next Friday. She wanted to talk about how she would kill him, she wanted to know when they would meet. She was going to cut him in the cheek, just as a reminder that it will be a painful death.

Maya looked for Jake, and she saw him sitting on a bench, he was alone. She walked over to him, and sat down.

"Hey Jake," she smiled, and Jake turned his head to face her.

"What?" He said, he was tired. It wasn't exactly his fault that he had a panic attack last night, wich caused him to only get two hours of sleep last night.

"How would you like to die?" Jake didn't respond, not because he didn't know, it just shocked him. Why would she start off a conversation with that. He wished that she would at least go back to at least pretending to care about him.

"Hey, answer me!" She wanted to slap him, but she didn't want to hurt him. She pulled her pocket knife out, and opened it. She ran it across his cheek. There was no reaction.

Before she knew it Zoey had hit her in the face with her phone. She began to cry. She was hit again, and again. She was beaten with the phone until she passed out.


Maya was passed out, right in front of him. Jake was still in shock. Why did Zoey attack Maya, and why didn't she also attack him?

He reached for his phone and dialed 911.

"This is 911, what is your emergency?" A woman began to ask, her voice was very calming to Jake. That didn't matter because one of the only people he could ever consider a friend was just beaten to the point where she passed out.

"Yes, this is a student from Rosemeadow High School, my friend was just beaten by someone using a phone as a weapon. Now she's not responding." He was absolutely panicking, but it wasn't because he could easily loose something that he would never be able to recover, but he realized that this was the third time that 911 had been called to this school, within the past week. This did not sound believable, but oh well, he didn't have complete control over the whole world.

"Is she bleeding, and is there glass in her skin? If there is, try to keep the bleeding under control while an ambulance is on its way. Please try to keep her still, as one wrong g move could kill her." The lady on the other side responded.

"Thank you," Jake quietly responded.


Zander was worried because the competition was approaching very rapidly, and Milly had been sent to the hospital. They had recently had to come up with a new song to sing, because they had kicked Jake out.

His mind was honestly all over the place, but then suddenly, he heard an ambulance. He panicked, this was third time an ambulance had been called to the school within the past week, and the second time that Jake could have been seriously injured.

He heard it pull in. Without thinking he opened his phone and texted Jake.

Hey, I know me and you aren't on good terms, but I need you to respond quickly, so that I know you're not hurt. If you have any idea as to why an ambulance is here right now, please tell me.

With every second that Jake wasn't typing, Zander grew more and more anxious.
What if Maya had grown tired of Jake, or what if the bullies had gone too far?
What if Jake had tried to take his own life? Zander knew that, sadly Jake was not in a good mental state, and would easily be able to take his own life. Their school had a roof with only a chain link fence blocking someone from falling to their death.
What if Maya hadn't been in the right mind, and she killed him?

Zander was beginning to panic, he didn't even notice Hailey right in front of him. Not until she pat him on the shoulder. He was shocked, and his eyes held tears that he didn't know he was letting out.

He looked up at her, "Where's Jake?" That shocked her more than he thought it would, but he had to know. He needed to make sure that Jake wasn't dead.


Hailey was nervous, because Zander was panicking. It was affecting him to the point, where he didn't notice her infront of him.

"Zander!" She looked at him, she began to panic. She pat him on the shoulder a few times and, surprising he responded.

His head jolted up to face her. He had tears in his eyes, how did she not notice that.

"Where's Jake?" Those words shocked her, Jake was fine, plus it wasn't like anyone was hurting him. Yeah, a few bullies, but nothing too bad. Well, he was with Maya helping her not bleed to death while the paramedics were on their way. She was glad that he was with her, it would have been horrible for him to end up having to go through bullying without his only friend.

"He's on the roof, he was making sure Maya wasn't going to bleed to death, he was the one who called them in the first place." She signed, "He's fine, but if you want to go up and talk to him, he might appreciate it."

"Thanks Hailey, I'll go do that..." Zander said as he got up and started to head to the stairs.

She was confused, because she thought Zander hated Jake for what he did. But it was nice that he didn't. Maybe they could try to get along after the competition. No, that's a horrible idea, he had betrayed them, and before that he had bullied them.


Zander was walking up the the roof when a  realization hit him.

"The music competition is next Friday, and that's when Maya and Jake meet..." He was whispering to himself. He stopped dead in his tracks, Maya was going to kill Jake next Friday, and she would probably do it during the competition.

"Shit!" He mumbled, he could barely here himself, but he was absolutely pissed off. He needed to make sure that Jake was not going to die. Especially on the competition.

He finally got up to the rooftop, after what seemed like thirty minutes, even though in actuality it was only five.

He saw Jake, he was just standing. Zander was concerned, because Jake was absolutely still, there was nothing. It was as if his body was just standing there.

He walked up to Jake, and waved his hand infront of his face. "Jake!" He expected for Jake to look at him, and start talking but there was nothing.

Jake just continued to stare into nothing. Zander was about to lightly hit Jake in the arm, but then he saw a couple tears fall from Jake's eyes.

"I'm not going to make it till next Friday, will I Zander?" Jake turned to look at Zander, tears falling rapidly on to his cheeks, and the floor.  "She's going to kill me before then," he smiled, even though there was no happiness behind the smile.

Zander noticed something that he should have noticed before. It was a cut, around two inches long, it was on Jake's right cheek. "I won't let her do that." Zander said, he was angry. He was really angry, but he knew that Jake would probably react by panicking if he knew just how angry Zander was.

Words: 1296

Sorry, more than half this chapter was rushed. I didn't get much done until Saturday night, so, sorry if it doesn't really fit with what I normally write.

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