(7) Goodbye

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I'm sorry for not posting in a few months, I have had massive writers block, but I forced myself to finish this one. I hope you like it.

TW:Death, profanities, bad writing, panic attacks, mentions of Maya

Hailey woken up and a cold sweat, whatever that nightmare had been, it was horrible. She knew that Jake had to go to the hospital, she learned that from Zander. But Zander had never told her why Jake was in the hospital, he only told her that he was almost dead when he found him. Hailey had tried asking Zander multiple times, but he never told her.

She couldn't control her breathing, and soon her vision turned blurry from tears. Why did she see that, why did she see Jake's hanging body in her dream? Why was it so realistic?

She got up, and decided that she was going to visit Jake. But she couldn't visit before 10:30, because that's when visiting hours began for the day.


She walked up to his hospital room door, the number was 833. She had gone to this room before, but only for Milly, that was before Jake was put in the hospital. She didn't expect much, but at the same time, she was terrified of what she was going to see.

She took a deep breath in, and opened the door.

There he was, Jake Sterling laying in a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes stuck in his arms, he was pale, but not a dangerous amount. There was some sort of ring around his throat, and it worried her.


(A/N) I just started writing on this again after a long while, sorry if my style has slightly changed

Jake was angry, was this what the hell was? A black empty void that occasionally held memories. Jake wanted at least some closure once he died, he didn't want to be trapped in an endless void that held hurtful memories. He wanted to possibly get a new chance at life, or become a ghost and haunt his friends? no his former friends, they didn't want him around, but he wanted them to deal with it.

He was also scared, he was scared that in telling Zander goodbye had caused him to panic and immediately forgive him. Jake didn't deserve forgiveness, he deserved punishment, what he did was horrible and shitty.

Suddenly, he heard Hailey's voice. "Jake, please *hic* please... Please wake up, I don't want to lose you." He heard a quiet sob.

Wait. So did that mean that he was alive?! That wasn't good, that meant that Jake had gone through so much trouble to try and hide his suicide from his little brother, only for it to fail. He realized something, he shouldn't have told Zander goodbye.

He hoped that Zander wasn't that much of an asshole to keep Jake on earth, while he clearly didn't want it. He hoped that somebody else like, his mom, hell even Milo had found him.

But he knew that it probably was Zander, he had been acting strange lately, like he cared about Jake, not even Maya had been pretending to care about Jake when Zander was. Besides, he had made it painfully obvious that something was wrong.

Jake realized that he probably shouldn't be blaming his problems on Zander, since it wasn't a cruel intention... hopefully.


Zander began to cry, he had failed Jake. He had let Maya and Hailey get to Jake, and now Jake was in the hospital. He was in critical condition, and was most likely going to die soon.

It was all his fault, if only he had seen the signs, or maybe if he had tried to listen to Jakes explanations. Maybe he could have stopped this whole thing from happening if he had brought up how dangerous he thought Maya was, when Jake was in the club. He should have seen how Jake was less of himself, and how he looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

Normally Hailey would at least be home when he began to panic, but she had gone to visit Jake. Zander closed his eyes.


Zander was woken up to a phone call. It was the hospital, he answered it without thinking.

"Hello is the Alexander Wickham?" A lady with a sweet voice spoke from the other end.

"Yes," Zander tried to sound calm and awake, but he was failing at both, instead he sounded nervous and extremely tired.

"We are calling to inform you about Jake Sterling-" Zander cut the lady off.

"Is he ok!?" He knew that he sounded desperate, and he was. He needed to know if Jake was ok.

"Please don't interrupt me." The lady spoke in a strong and slightly angry voice, but it also was filled with sorry for the boy she was talking to. "I'm sorry to inform you, but Jake Sterling has passed away... I'm sorry for your loss."

At that moment he felt like something died inside of him. He began to sob, he didn't even think that it was possible to cry that much in one day, but here he was.


Jake noticed something, he no longer heard the sound of a soft beeping heart monitor, instead he heard the lound screech of a flatline.

He began to see someone, and it wasn't from a memory. The void suddenly changed from a dark empty place, to a bright white place.

"Dad?!" Jake cried as he ran to his father. He was pulled into a hug by his father, shit he missed his father.

"Yes, it's me Jake." His father smiled. A genuine smile, not like Maya's cruel one, or Jake's just plane fake smile.

Words: 895
Yep, this is the end. I hope you guys like it.
If I'm being honest, this is very overrated. But I am glad you guys liked this.

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