(2) Hospital

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TW: hospitals, mentions of bullying, yelling, mentions of violence, suicidal thoughts, self-hate, toxic friend, suicide baiting, curse words, thoughts of someone hanging themselves, Maya

Jake woke up in a bright room, it was really bright actually. When his vision got clearer, he looked and saw a doctor to his right. Then he noticed the machines attached to him. There weren't that many, it was just surprising for him.

"Oh you're awake! Would you be ok with visitors right now? I know that you might not want that. That head injury did some damage." The doctor spoke, she seemed really talkative, but Jake didn't mind.

After a few seconds, he came up with an answer, "Sure, they can come in." In all honesty he didn't expect anyone but maybe his mom and brother. But he was wrong. Neither of them were there.

When the two visitors came in he immediately spoke without thinking. "You were right... I should have been careful. Did you push me down the stairs Maya?" He spoke, and then he immediately wished he didn't.

"No, of course not! I would never push you down the stairs. Not with all the bullying you've been going through!" She lied, most likely only because Hailey was also in the room.

Hailey looked at the two, "What do you mean bullying?!"

"Right, it's your first day back after that... Someone released the audio of Jake smack talking your club. So the whole school has decided to target Jake." Maya chuckled, witch didn't get a happy reaction from Hailey.

"Do the teachers know!?" Hailey questioned.

"Yes, they do, but they aren't doing anything about it."

"Why not?!"

"Because they don't care!" Maya practically yelled, causing Jake to flinch and cover his ears. "Sorry Jake."

"It's fine," he lied with a soft smile on his face.


Jake was let out a few days later, because they still wanted to run a few tests.

He had heard that Zander was apparently worried about him. But he didn't believe it. He only had one person he could trust, and he knew she would stab him in the back later. It was possible that she would literally stab him in the back too.

When he got home he checked his phone to see any texts, and he saw one that he didn't expect.

I heard someone pushed you down the stairs, you hit your head and passed out, you also had to go to the hospital. Get well soon. -Zander

Why would he of all people care? Zander had major trust issues, and Jake had betrayed his trust. Why did he care about Jake. It was only a small injury, he didn't die from it.

It was weird enough to have Hailey visit him, but now suddenly Zander cared about him. He decided to text back something, so that he wouldn't seem rude.

Sorry, I did fall, but no one pushed me. I just fell. It wasn't even that big of a deal. I'm alive, so it didn't do anything. It was probably over exaggerated by someone there. Sorry for making you lose trust in someone again.

He felt like that was enough to thank Zander, and lie for Zander to feel better, and not worry about him.


Zander looked down at his phone to see who had just texted him, and why. It was Jake.

"I hope he's ok, it looked really dangerous, and it looked like he was dead when I saw him unconscious. Please be ok" Zander shut his eyes and breathed, he wasn't dead, Hailey had talked to him a couple days ago, he should be fine.

Sorry, I did fall, but no one pushed me. I just fell. It wasn't even that big of a deal. I'm alive, so it didn't do anything. It was probably over exaggerated by someone there. Sorry for making you lose trust in someone again.

Zander felt hurt, did Jake not trust him? It would make sense, and it wouldn't be that bad considering he didn't trust Jake... anymore. He started typing something to send to Jake, and then when he thought that it was good enough he sent it.

Jake, please don't lie to me I was there when she pushed you. You look so dead, and it scared me. It was a big deal, it could have killed you. She keeps acting like real friend, she used to talk to Milly all the time of how she would love to just rip off your head. Maya isn't a good friend, don't trust her. We still won't let you around the club, but please don't fall for her lie.

Zander was worried that his text was too strict. But he felt like he had to tell Jake the truth. He got another text from Jake.

I know she's not a good person, but she's the only person that I can even consider a friend anymore. I'm not dead so it wasn't a big deal I don't know why you still keep treating it like it was. And if I did die, yay the jerk that manipulated and bullied us is dead! Don't lie to yourself, I'm not a good person and I never will be. And I know she did push me, she just said she didn't because Hailey was there.

If Zander wasn't mad before, he definitely was now. Maya had lied, specifically to Haily, and from the message it was clear that she was openly a monster to Jake. It was also clear that she was one of his biggest bullies, and Haley thought that the two of them were friends.

The worst part was, Jake felt that she was the only one he could even consider a friend.


The next day, Zander was disgusted when he found Jake hiding behind the school, so that he wouldn't be harassed. Was the bullying that bad? Yes. Yes it was, Maya pushed him down the stairs, and he could have died.

Jake didn't notice him, he was on a call with someone. He knew that he shouldn't eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it.

"I know, Maya. Nobody cares." Jake's voice was shaking, and it hurt Zander, because he didn't realize how much bullying there was.

"NO!" The sudden scream from Jake startled Zander, but he could still handle it.

"I'm not going to kill myself. Especially not by the roof. Quit telling me to do that. You're already going to a week from Friday.... Remember the text you sent me, that said it'll happen two weeks from the time it was sent. At the park near Zander and Hailey's house." Now that surprised Zander, and not in a good way. Maya was going to kill Jake at the park that he could see from his bedroom window.

He couldn't handle it, he felt sick. He couldn't move for a moment, so he heard one thing that made it worse.

"The whole world would be better off if I killed myself. But I won't put my mom or brother through that shit. So I'm giving you full permission to kill me. Next Friday"

Zander nearly threw up in his mouth. Was all of this happening because they kicked him out of their club? The only thing Zander thought Jake deserved was the part where he was kicked out. Not the bullying, not the suicidal thoughts, and definitely not the fact that he was allowing someone who hates him, to kill him. Jake didn't deserve any of it. A notification popped up on his phone. He opened it up, it made him even more disgusted at everyone.

Jake sterling is a jerk, who deserves to die a painful death. Honestly the world would be better off if he killed himself. Go kill yourself Jake!!!

What the fuck was he reading. He knew the account, and it wasn't Zoey. It was Maya. Replies started popping up, and they weren't much better.


Zander almost didn't hear it, but he did. So he walked to his first period class, but he couldn't get Jake's hanging body out of his head, for some reason. He knew Jake wouldn't die to suicide, yet. Oh the thought was horrible.


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