(3) Attacks

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TW: blood, violence, yelling, mentions to suicide baiting, mentions of murder, Maya

"Maya!" Milly yelled to Maya, that came with a slap in Maya's face.

"Ow- what Milly" She said holding her cheek where she was just slapped.

"Why the hell did you tell Jake to kill himself!"

"Because I hate him, and I have always hated him, it would be better without him around." That earned her another slap in the face.

"Well, it wouldn't be! And why did you have to share it with everyone, I get it if you hate him. But why would you publicly humiliate him, by telling him to kill himself!" She snatched Maya's phone out of her hands, and opened the phone. She looked to see if Maya had Jake's phone number to tell Jake secretly. She did, he was named 'Jakey <3'.

"See! You can contact him privately!" She clicked on his phone number, just to see disturbing texts since he had been called out for shit-talking the club.

Aw, thank you. If you really want to do that, let's meet up at the park near Hayley and Zander'sp house in two weeks! <3

(Jakey <3 unsent a message)

Hey Jakey! Be careful of the stairs today. You wouldn't want to bash your head on the ground if you slipped! <3

Good job Jake Sterling. Now everyone hates you. Go do the world a favor and kill your self. You're taking up oxygen that dying children could use more than you. :) <3

The last one made her feel horrible, and sick. The most recent one seemed like it was a cute little thing, but Milly wasn't dumb, something was wrong. Maya wouldn't just plan a fun day with someone she hates. The one in-between the other two made her worry that it was Maya who pushed him down the stairs.

"Did you push Jake down the stairs? Are you the reason he nearly died last Friday?!" Milly was pissed off, so much so, that she didn't realize that a knife was headed right towards her arm, the same one that was holding Maya's phone.


Milly was absolutely traumatized, and also lossing lots of blood. She was scared that she was going to die, and no one would find her.

By the time the lunch bell has rung, she had passed out. She probably wasn't going to be found unless someone at lunch on the rooftop, but almost nobody did that. Except for Jake, he always suck on the rooftop when he ate lunch. It was quiet, and beautiful.

When he got up to the rooftop, he didn't expect to see Milly lying unconscious with a lot of blood surrounding her. Instead of just ignoring her and eating lunch, he dropped his lunch, and ran to pick her up. She was still breathing, which was good. He called an ambulance, so that they'd be able to take her to the hospital, because he didn't have a car.

He picked her up, carefully not to hurt her open wounds, and started making his way to the front entrance of the school. He did the safest thing his mind thought up with, which was go down the stairs like a normal person, possibly get bullied and have a slight possibility of falling and hurting Milly.

He did eventually manage to get her down to the entrance of the school, he must have taken a while because by the time he was down there the ambulance had already arrived.


Zander was almost scared when he heard an ambulance show up. A lot of questions ran through his mind, and to wrap it up, he was genuinely scared. Especially since he couldn't see Jake anywhere.

He was scared that Maya might have decided that next Friday was too late, and maybe she decided that now was a better time. It wasn't like she never did anything like that. He was scared that Jake had decided that it was enough, and he killed himself. He was scared that someone went too far, and maybe Jake went unconscious. He was absolutely terrified for Jake.

It hadn't occurred to him that Milly and Maya shared first period with each other. Until he saw Jake coming down the stairs carrying Milly in his arms. She was completely covered in blood, and she looked like she had been beaten up with someone who had a knife.

Jake was clearly struggling, but he carried on, no one was helping him, because no one cared. Zander wanted to help, but he couldn't move his body, not even when Jake nearly passed out after he gave Milly to the paramedics.


Zoey was disturbed when she found out that Jake had been pushed down the stairs. She wasn't that angry though. He had told Drew that she had been cheating on her. So she didn't care about him, mostly.

She hated to say it, but he was a good person. He was nice, and he was kind. He was just a boy who liked something that most people didn't. He didn't want to hurt people, except for the music freaks and that was only from insults, then he didn't want to hurt them either.

She only wanted verbal attacks, and maybe a punch in the face to go towards him. She would never tell him to kill himself. She wouldn't tell anyone to do that... Even for money.

That was just horrible, and nobody should be told that.

So when she saw that Maya Sinskus had sent a post telling Jake to kill himself, she was angry. She felt like she might have to get her hands dirty, maybe with blood too.

She didn't know who pushed Jake down the stairs, but she did know that he could have died. Drew would have been horribly traumatized from finding out that his friend since the beginning on high school was killed on school property.



Zoey was angry, everyone who cared about Jake was, even though that was only like 12 people, and one of them was in a coma. She saw Maya walking up to the rooftop, happy, acting as if she hadn't just told someone to kill themselves a few days ago.

She clenched her fists together, even though Zoey wasn't that strong, with the right weapon she could still pack a punch. She followed Maya, up to the rooftop. When she got up, she saw Maya talking to Jake, it clearly wasn't friendly talk.

Zoey pulled out her phone, surprisingly she wasn't going to record a video. Thank God she could get either one of her sugar daddies or Drew by her new phone after this. She wiped off all the memory, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. She still did it though.

She turned off the phone, and held it in her fist so tight she swore she could hear the screen cracking. She walked up to Maya, and hit her in the side of the head with the phone. She continued to do it until Maya was passed out. She didn't give a fuck that she was probably going to get suspended or, possibly expelled for doing this. When she was done, she walked down the stairs and exited the school building.

Words: 1203

Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal, I didn't know how to finish it, and I wanted to be done with this chapter

Also sorry for it being posted later, my phone ran out of signal and I didn't notice until now.

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