(@##$) Original Plot

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Chapter 1
Zoey posts the audio, she is happy with the results. Jake finds out and panics. A person who loves the music club becomes angry when they find out Jake said the things he said. They decide that he was too much of a jerk, and they think he should die.

Chapter 2
Jake gets a message from someone to kill himself, or meet him at the park in three days. Jake doesn't want to kill himself yet, and has a panic attack due to things like bullies. Zander overhears this and goes against what he would normally do, and tries to comfort Jake.

Chapter 3
Jake realizes that if the message is being serious, he might have to prepare. He decides to take two days off of school to process the whole thing. Zander starts to worry about Jake, even though he doesn't want to.

Chapter 4
Jake comes back to school, but he's not acting normal. Even though Henry, Liam, and Drew aren't friends with Jake anymore, they still want to cheer him up. He goes with them, and they go to the mall. He goes to the park, just like the text told him to.

Chapter 5
The person is surprised that he came, but they are glad. They have a knife, a hatchet, and a baseball bat, they also surprisingly have a metal safe. He gets scared, and they attack him. They hit him in the back of the head with the baseball bat. He passes out, then they use the knife to cut all over his arms and lower legs, they use the hatchet to chop off his hands, and then they decide to cut him up into bits and pieces. Once they do that, they put him in the safe, and lock it. They write on a note what the code is. Then they put it in a cardboard box, it's tape up the box. They take the box and put it in front of Hailey and Zanders front door, and ring the doorbell. They make a run for it, and they escape.

Chapter 6
Zander hears the doorbell ring, and goes to see what's at the door. It's a box, and it's kind of heavy. He takes it into the living room, and calls Hailey to come look at it as well. There is a note on the top that says it's for them. They open the box to see a safe, they find a note that has the code for the safe. Zander decides to open it. They see Jake's dead body. His arms are disconnected from his body, and they are cut in half, the same goes for his legs. His head is disconnected from his neck, and their cuts running all over his entire body. They are traumatized and call the police.

Chapter 7
Jake's friends find out about the whole situation, and they are glad that they spent time with him, but they felt guilty for his death. The music club feels horrible, because even if they didn't like him they would never wish death upon him, especially not in the gruesome way that Hailey and Zander had apparently found him in. The culprit was found, and arrested.

Words: 526

Hey, I hope you liked this, I posted this just so you guys could realize what I originally had planned, if you want me to write this you can tell me, but it'll only be done once I'm done with the current story, and I think I have a few more chapters to go. Sorry for not posting much recently, I'm starting to go through writer's block, and I have an entire story that I have to write for school, so you might not get good quality work next week or maybe even the week after.

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