Chapter 3//Suspicious in one

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-P's POV-

I watched as we all went in our separate ways, M Investigates U, I, K, E, and D, N and F investigates T, Q, R, B, and Y, O investigates S, W, L, G and C, as I get stuck Investigating X, H, A, and V, The only 3 that anyone barely talks to except A cuz he's best buds with B and C and everyone knows the basic trio doing their usual schedule. I went off, first one was V cuz he's found easily, he's usually sitting by himself reading something everyday in the park while his siblings are getting something like a snack or drink.

"Hello V" he looked up from his book and smiled.

"Hi P! What brings you here?" He asked, getting a bookmark and leaving it on the page he read.

"What are some things you know about J? What's your relationship with him?" I asked, getting a notepad and pen.

"Oh, well, Him and I are distanced from each other, dont get me wrong he's a nice guy but he tends to be so loud and I can't concentrate if He's loud, so we're distanced from each other, what I know about him is that he's friends with K and maybe I? Eh, he likes Jawbreakers and chips" He informed me, I wrote it down as best as I could in a short summary.

"Anythig else?"

"Let's see, anything else I know? Oh! He likes to take lessons from X on defending" He added and wrote it down, putting my notepad and pen away before I lost it.

"Okay, if you see anything suspicious you come notify me, N, O, M, or F, Okay?" He nodded as I walked away to look for my next investigation.

I took the long way to X's place until then I looked over the information I got from V, man he doesnt know J all that well, it wasnt long until I heard yelling from a far distance, I looked to my right and Saw O investigating L. Shit, M didnt think this through with O investagating L they are literally fucking ex. best friends, I ran before something happened.

"YOU FUCKING TAKE THAT BACK, BITCH!" O yelled as he was about to hit him but I pulled him back.

"O THE FUCK!? THE ONE THING M ASKS YOU TO DO BUT FUCKS UP!" I yelled, as he rolled his eyes.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT FOR STARTING THIS ARGUMENT AND THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU!" He yelled about to attack him again but I pulled him back again.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL IT DOES, DONT YOU FUCKING MAKE ME CALL M!" I yelled as he huffed and crossed his arms, looking away. I signed and Looked at L dead in the eye as I took O's pen and notepad.
"Now, I've heard that your enemies with J, tell me is that true and what do you know about him?" I asked as scuffed and rolled his eyes.

"I know nothing about that loser, he's just as lame as N and yes, I literally hate everyone and by everyone I mean the whole the alphabet, now if you'll excuse me I have places to be, Later losers" he took off, I could see that O wanted to strangle him but I stopped him in his path, he scuffed and snatched his notepad and pen before taking off.

-Os POV-

<12 minutes back before P stopped his and L's fight>

Great, just great another whole day wasted because of some case in which no one ever pays attention to J except K, as M told us which of the following people we had to investigate, I got one of which I never wanted to see their Face again, It was L, him and I ended our 'friendship' 3 years ago due to all of his actions he made me go through, I hated him for it, I Hated it since childhood. I looked at my list which had the following question I needed to ask only to bump into someone making me drop my notepad.

"Watch where you're Fucking going!" I yelled as I picked up my notepad and looked at the person, who would've guessed it, it was dumbass L.

"Well nice seeing you here again friend~" he smirked. I obviously glared at him.

"I'm not your friend and take that stupid smile off your fucking ugly ass face before I get a chance to punch it" I threatened, he laughed.

"How is the group without me? You guys probably want me back since you can't go on your own without the leader's command, am I right?" Changing the subject, I noticed he carried a bag though a bright yellow-orange like caught my eye.

"What are you planning? You've never been a responsible leader only M has been, he been the only Damn one to give us instructions unlike you who goes off doing stupid things without a plan" He frowned, making his serious face, an idiotic face like I lasted remembered.

"Oh shut it, I've help enough to save everyone's ass, don't worry about what I'm doing though heh, hehehahahahha I'm pretty sure you still bully N though how long would it take for me to kill him" he said it without hesitation, it triggered me and started to attack him.
"Heh you're still a coward to do so, why bother to protect him!?"

"YOU FUCKING TAKE THAT BACK, BITCH!" I yelled before having the chance to hit him but I was pulled back by P.

"O THE FUCK!? THE ONE THING M ASKS YOU TO DO BUT FUCKS UP!" She yelled, as I rolled my eyes.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT FOR STARTING THIS ARGUMENT AND THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU!" I yelled about to attack him but she pulled me back again.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL IT DOES, DONT YOU FUCKING MAKE ME CALL M!" She yelled as I huffed and crossed my arms, looking away. I ignored the question she asked L and looked around but not at His direction but I still wondered what that yellow-orange glow liquid does and what it is. I wanted to know what he was planning.

"now if you'll excuse me I have places to be, Later losers" he took off, I watched him go with the liquid he had, he smirked at me and I wanted to strangle him but P stopped me, I scuffed and snatched my notepad back and walked off.
I went far, far away from her before she started lecturing me about situations like this. I headed to the park where I spotted N. He was sitting on a bench looking at his notes, I headed towards his direction and stopped in front of me. He looked up from his notes.

"-sigh- what do you want O?" He asked, looking at his notes.

"Hey, um- can you do my investigation?" I asked, handing him my notepad. He grabbed it and took a look at it, he sighed.

"O you haven't done any of them besides L, me and F already finished ours" he complained.

"Look I'm just not feeling alright, okay? either you stop being whiny or I'll have you murdered in your sleep understood?" He hid behind my notepad and nodded, I walked away right before F came back with a bag and two cups of coffee? I'm not sure but I kept going and once I knew it, I was away from everyone. My wonders came to L and that glowing yellow-orange liquid in the bag, what was he doing with that.

He's up to something, I just know it

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