Chapter 9//The Separation Of One

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-No ones POV-

"Hey, did they find you yet?" one asks through the phone.

"Not yet, thankfully they're stupid enough to even figure it out, they'll never doubt me again once I save them from this virus" The mysterious one told, chuckling at the situation.

"You got what I want?" they asked.

"I can tell you that they're not with me but with M in the far into forest over in alphabet forest" they informed.

"Got that and tell me, you got the cure for these freaks?" they asked, as this mysterious letter turned on their cigarette and started to smoke.

"Nope," they responded.


"Simple, I know a guy who's going to find it for me, he's good with potions though I'll have to knock him out once he finds it and claim it as mine" they said, blewing out smoke.

"And where do you plan on finding him if this place is a disaester?''they asked, he chuckled once more and looked up.

"See, I'm with them so it'll be easy, I just have to earn they're trust and they'll trust me with parntering up with them in just a duo that way I finish the job, they'll fall for my lies also while your at it with capturing X and Y, make sure to infect the rest that way they wouldnt know what happened or who and such" they said looking up to the group they were in while the rest spreaded around the area

"Okay then, Good luck with this plan I'll be hunting down this X" they instructed ending the call, they blew out their last gas and threw their cigarette on the ground, stepping on it, turning it off and continued their walk.

-Left W's POV-

We've been walking for hours with no sign of finding N anywhere nor have we found anyone else but Mutated R and I. I feel bad for the two but at least they have each other if they're ever lonely or in need of help, I suppose. I heard L laughing to himself.

"Why are you laughing? This is a serious case" I said looking at L.

"Sorry, just remembering some old memories right before O ditched me for some pip squeak" He muttered.

"Oh quit your whining, It's your problem that you miss treating him and abused his power into doing things he's regret now" F argued, shaking his potion for more energy light within the liquid.

"Psh, Please as if you've done better with N" He scoffed

"Well look who's talking" He asked while still walking and lightened up the halls.

"of course, While I was still apart of the group poor little bitchy N always had nightmare of some shit, of course I was annoyed that I went to his room once and he was talking, I looked around the room not seeing anyone so I assume that he spoke to himself or some shit like that but I heard him say something about the past but differently" He started, chuckling to himself and F looked at him annoyed.

"Really funny L, there's no way N could just go back in time to change the past plus no one has even invented a time machine to go back in time Dumbass" He laughed, walking off further into the halls I followed along.

"Not a machine but Z, Z could have given him a second chance to go back, if you don't believe me ask N, he's the one who talks to himself" he said, taking a cigarette out and walking ahead of F as he stood there.

"He's probably going Crazy again" my sister said, I nodded and followed F as he started to walk once more into the dark halls.

-U's Pov-

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