Rensuke Kunigami x Reader [Memories]

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Warnings: Angst, injuries 


Some memories will hurt you, but some will haunt you for the rest of your life. It's important to understand why memories remain. 


"Well, would you look at that, the lightning bolt known as Y/N is running through that field of green and making others look slow. Two defenders are going after Y/N and-" The host was talking and all of the sudden there was nothing. Just black. You probably just fainted from lack of sleep or energy. 

Walking through what seems to be such a mental state where you didn't see much, then you saw him again. Your old friend, Rensuke, seemed miles ahead of you since he was praised for his strength. Though those memories of him seem so far away. The shadow figure of him started to walk away and you ran after him, hoping that some part of him stayed for you. 

"Miss Y/N are you awake?" The doctor asked, you thought you saw Rensuke but it turned out to be a stuffed bear that looked like him. You started to cry, cry about the fact that Rensuke couldn't even be there when you were at your lowest point. 

"Sweetie, is everything alright?" Your mother asked you as she saw where your sight went to. "It looks like Rensuke, doesn't it?" 

"Yes, it does." You simply answered the question, it seems unreal though. He was a dead memory to you. To everyone else, he was a good child. "I want it out of here."

"Honey, it was actually from him. He still cares for you and you just want to remove him from-"

"Mom, please. Get rid of it." You raised your voice to your mother and your mom understood what you meant. 

"Alright, I'll get rid of it." Your mom said calmly as she understood the pain of him moving so far away that he couldn't even come to see you. He was a dead memory. 

"Miss Y/N, I have to give you an order of a week's worth of rest and nutrition. Do not play any sports until the week is over." The doctor said and he sent you on your way.

-A Few months later- 

It has been a few months since your minor fainting and you were at home resting after training some new kids, reading up on the new books that you had received. 

"Y/N! There is someone here for you!" Your mother called, welp since your reading time got cut you went downstairs. Walking down those steps you almost instantly sensed him. Rensuke Kunigami, he was back again. You stopped at the 1/3 point of the stairs and you calmly sighed. 

"Mom, can you leave us alone?" You asked, you had stared into his soul. Your mom's understanding of the situation left you alone with a dead memory. 

"Hey, Y/N, where is that stuff bear?" Kunigami asked you. 

"It's gone, it simply didn't matter to me." You stated with a dead tone. 

"That bear was from me, did you even know it was from me?"

"No, I didn't. It didn't matter though."

"I gave it to you, I wanted you to have it."

"I didn't want it."

"...Did you throw it away?"

"I told my mother to throw it away."

"Why? That bear was meant for you, I wanted you to know that I was always there for you."

"It sure didn't feel like that when you moved away, so far away that I could never see you again."

"I didn't mean to move so far that we couldn't talk."

"That's enough, I don't want to talk to a dead memory."

"Y/N is that really how you feel about me? A dead memory?"

"You left me at my weakest point." 

"Wake up to reality. Nothing ever goes to plan, I've been trying to come back to you for so long. You know I want to become a hero to those who can't look up to superheroes. I've been trying to find a way to come back to you and still be a hero. I'm here now!"

"Why not back then?"


"Why not when I needed you? I needed you for so long that you became a dead memory."

"Y/N, I'm here now to be your hero."


"Don't call me that, call me Rensuke. You are my Starlight."

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