Wataru Kuon x Reader [The Past]

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Warning: Fighting, depression, depression symptoms, Hospitals

Note: if you can't handle any form of intense hospital/ doctors please do not read


"When someone stabs you in the back and then apologizes, accept the apology, but don't give him the knife back to do it again!" ― Bohdi Sanders


You have been with Kuon for a few years and you were talking about the old days. You were on about how the girls at your schools would do anything for a guy's attention. Kuon proceeded to tell you about how the old soccer club he was a part of thought that he was too overbearing.

"Haha, that's slightly true Kuon. You do act like a helicopter mother."

"That's not cool Y/N."

"Come on, you could have done something much worse."

"It's not like I betrayed them."

"You wouldn't betray anyone though." You said laughing. Kuon remained silent, not laughing but he looked guilty. "Kuon, you didn't betray anyone. Right?"

"I never betrayed anyone."

"Kuon, what are you hiding?"


"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Of course not!" He tried to defend himself while you were only getting angry. Kuon could tell when you were mad, but now you were livid. To the point, it looked like Kuon was about to go through hell.

"I'm calling Yoichi for the answer."

"Wait! Don't, he isn't going to give you a straight answer."

"Kuon, you and him are friends. He would have an answer." He started to panic and you went into the washroom and locked the door. Your phone rang for about 3 rings until Yoichi picked up.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?"

"Hey Yoichi, I'm just curious. Did Kuon betray anyone?"

"Well, I guess he did betray Team Z when he was in Blue lock."

"HE DID WHAT?!" You yelled as you hear Kuon just saying shit over and over again. You hung up the phone so that Yoichi didn't have to hear you fighting with Kuon. "KUON, YOUR ASS IS MINE!"

You proceeded to run out of the washroom and tackle Kuon to the ground as he was running.

"Honey, come on. It was a few years ago. They all forgave me."

"Are you serious?! You betrayed your friends and you lied to me!"

"Honey, I didn't want you to figure you out about my past."

".... I'm so fucken mad at you." You said calmly as you were getting up. You stared straight into his eyes and just grabbed his arms and shoved him out of the apartment doors. "I don't want to see you for a while."

"Honey, please."

"Kuon, leave until I say so."

"Hon-" The doors slammed in his face and he left. He was walking through the rain to a friend's house. He explained his situation and he was allowed to stay there for a few weeks. Those weeks were hell, not seeing your face every morning. It started to hurt more, he stopped eating, stopped showering, and just stopped talking to anyone.

"Hey Kuon, I'm getting worried about your health. Please come eat."



"Shut up. I'm tired."

"...Sorry Kuon." That friend got very concerned to the point where they called the hospital.

-A few hours later-

"Hello, is this miss L/N."

"Yes, I'm speaking."

"Wataru Kuon unfortanly came to the hospital. We have him under control, but he's been asking for you."

"...Okay, I'm on my way." You ran out the door and went into your car to drive to the hospital. You walked to the door and went to the front desk. "Hello, miss. May I go see Wataru Kuon?"

"Hello miss, you may go see Mr. Kuon."

"Okay, what room is he in?"

"Room G45, Mental Ward."

"Mental ward?"

"Yes, mental ward."

"Oh no." The air in your body went, but you had to go see Kuon. You walked the halls of the Mental Ward. It was more odd than weird. The walls were pure white and some windows lead into padded rooms. Most of the patients looked so dead but were in fact alive. You eventually found a nurse and you walked up to her. "Hello miss, do you know where G45 is?"

"Hello, sugar, let me show you the way to the room." The nurse brought you to a normal hospital room. Though it pained you to see Kuon unconscious and with sunken cheeks.

"Is he going to wake up?"

"He's just sleeping. He's been asking for Y/N for a while, we had to make sure he slept. He should be awake soon."

"I hope so." You said and pulled up a chair to sit beside him. You sat beside him for several hours, until you passed out. A few hours later he woke up to see you, he saw the face he missed for so long.


"Mmm." You woke up and were super groggy. Then you saw a face you thought you would never see. Kuon's face lit up when he saw you, that one moment made you cry. You leaped into Kuon's arms and you two hugged for so long.

-Months later, you were finally home with Kuon-

Kuon and yourself were very happy, and since that incident, your relationship with Kuon became very healthy. No secrets, no lying, and now you both tell each other everything. In projects and out of projects.

It's all in the pasted now and all we can do is look into the future.

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