Yoichi Isagi x Reader [Fight]

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Warning: Fighting (As the title suggests), and the horror known as Pick me girls 


I have to say how much I love your comments, they made me laugh so much. 

Some comments confused me a bit, unfortanly I can't tell the difference that well between good comments and bad comments, so if I upset you in any way with what I write I'm very sorry about it. 

Thank you for waiting, I had to take a little break from everything due to friend group issues. 

If you have a request I would love to write about it. Thank you for your time.


You can Isagi have been friends for several years, you haven't been separated from him since you met. During your high school years, Isagi had a glow up and so did you. You both were in the same classes and you both sat beside each other and always ate lunch with each other. 

Until another person joined the group, Beatrice, she was an international student that just came to japan from America. She was the quote "Perfect" girl, everyone could agree that she was hot. She had one major flaw though, Miss Beatrice was a pick-me girl. 

 She made everyone mad and extremely annoyed with her comments on other girls. Beatrice even went so far as to dump water on another girl's face to ruin her makeup. Unfortanly Beatrice didn't get into too much trouble due to her actions. 

Now Isagi was very tolerant of Beatrice's behavior even though you were so done with her attitude towards everyone. She would try to take Isagi away for long periods of time, but Isagi would always come back to you after 20 minutes.

"Come on Isagi! I have to show you something!"

"Sorry Beatrice, I want to finish lunch with Y/N."

"Awww, but we can eat lunch later."

"Actually after lunch, we clean up at school. It's a common thing in all schools."

"Isn't that what Janitors are for?"

"We wouldn't want to trouble them with useless messes. Plus I want to eat lunch with my best friend Y/N."

"I should be your best friend."

"...that bitch..." You whispered under your breath and walked to the washroom. Washing your face you stared at the mirror for a long time, you were trying to not punch Beatrice in the face. You would get in trouble as well as Isagi would see that side of you. No one needs to see that side of you not again. Never again. 

You went back to the classroom and you saw Beatrice talking with Isagi. She was all over him, touching his arm and playing with his hair. It all just made you mad, seeing her so close to Isagi was making your blood boil. You had to control yourself or you would end up in jail and Beatrice would be in hell with Satan and the rest of the world's evil. 

Beatrice: Oh my god Isagi, you're so funny. 

Isagi: Thank you. 

Y/N: Hey Beatrice.

Beatrice: Hey girl...

You and Beatrice were staring into each other's soul. Beatrice was basically saying with her eyes that Isagi was yours but your soul read that you were ready to send her straight to hell and would not regret it. 

Y/N: I'm not going to sugarcoat the situation. 

Beatrice: You're not exactly sweet, unlike me. 

Y/N: Do you ever shut up?

Beatrice: People love me for my looks and my voice is a part of my beauty. 

Y/N: Alright, Beatrice. I hate you, everything about you pisses me off. 


Y/N: . . . 

Beatrice: Never say you hate me, you are just jealous that Isagi is mine and mine alon-


Y/N: Never. Say. That. Again.

Beatrice: YOU DUMBASS!

Y/N: Say that to your foundation, you look like a circus clown. 

Isagi: Shiiiit.

Beatrice: You are just jealous that I have more beauty than you beast. 

Y/N: At least I don't say 'Ohhh my god, my hands are so small compared to yooou.' Like seriously you can't expect everyone to love that. 

Beatrice: You're wrong about that, Isagi and the other boys like that. 

Isagi: What gave you that idea?

Beatrice: You didn't deny me!

Isagi: I'm just used to your random American behavior, I thought it was interesting how you act. It was annoying don't get me wrong, I was just curious about American behavior. 

Beatrice was shattered, she started to cry so loudly that she had to go down to the office.

Y/N: ....

Isagi: Sooo, I'm guessing Beatrice isn't going to hang out with us any longer. 

Y/N: I hope so. 

Isagi: She's can't call me hers anytime ever. 

Y/N: You allowed her?

Isagi: No longer, after all, I'm yours. 

Y/N:....Excuse me?

Isagi: Well we've been friends for so long that it kinda feels like we are dating. 

Y/N: ...Wanna date?

Isagi: Thought we were. 

Y/N: Well I didn't know until now, stalker ass bitch. 

Isagi: Love you too my aggressive bean. 

Y/N: ...Love you Yoichi. 

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