Leonardo Luna x Reader [Cupid]

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Warning: Swearing, Abuse, fighting


This request was from  ... Sorry if I got your name wrong, I wrote them all on a sheet of paper because I forget everything, lol. 


During your life it was hard to find love that would considered 'good'.

1. Ranier - NO PDA

He was quite sweet but didn't want to show PDA in front of anyone and I mean ANYONE. He would avoid certain situations to avoid holding hands. You didn't receive much love from him so you broke it off. 

2.  Daniel - Ultra confusing 

He was so rude to your friends and to you in public, but he was super sweet towards you in private. As much as someone would enjoy that, you didn't. He would hit you in public and it was too condraticing. 

3. Quin - kept getting hit on 

She was very pretty and it was hard not to be in love with her. She wore alt style of clothing and she was also naturally gorgeous. It was fine at the beginning, but it got mega worse. She was getting hit on at every single second of each date you went on with her. She didn't mind it, she liked it. So, that was the end of that one. 

You stopped at number 3. She was the last one you were with until you had to attend college. Classes were long and there were a lot of cute guys. 

'FINALLY! Some cute guys to finally talk to!'


Let's just say this. Cupid the god of love was FUCKING with you again. 

Once again after a date you found out that your date was in a relationship after your date. Wow, how fun is your life. 

Cupid played with you like a toy. A little toy but you were in Cupid's mercy. 

You thought you caught a break with number 4, your current one. 

4. Freddy - The current 

Freddy was super friendly towards everyone. Not a soul hated him. 

Wrong again. 

Your classmate, that you grew to become friends with, Leonardo Luna HEAVILY despised him. Freddy and Leonardo would fight on a common basis. It got so bad at one point that you actually had to step in and scold both of them. 

You would find out later that Leonardo was going to be right. 

You were out once again with your friend group, it consited of the following people: Allie, Leonardo, Tammy, Freddy, Gerald, Jimmy, and last but not least Yami. 

You were talking to Allie about some new news about makeup. Yami, Gerald, Jimmy, and Tammy were talking about some video games. Lastly Leonardo and Freddy were fighting again. It doesn't help that you were all drinking together. 

The fight was oringally about which soccer position is better. One said one and the other said something completely different. It went from soccer to games, to anime, to back to soccer, to basketball, to beer, to wine, and then the last one which was so dumb you didn't remember it. 

Allie: Guys come on. Stop fighting. 

Gerald: Yeah, it's just child fighting. 

Jimmy: Y'all are being children. 

Tammy: Maybe we should put them in timeout corners? 

Yami: That's quite mean. Shouldn't you guys stop fighting already? 

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